Friday, October 19, 2012

Recommended Blog: Medical Whistleblower

Dr. Janet Parker began her advocacy work with an internship at a residential facility that served children with emotional needs. She went on to attain a Masters in Science in Education (Curriculum Development, Supervision and Administration). Dr. Parker was a trained foster parent and worked with foster child advocacy issues. She worked in humane education as Farm Supervisor at the Massachusetts American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and worked to help develop animal assisted therapy in conjunction with Dr. Leo Bustad’s Delta Society Program at Washington State University. At WSU, she took graduate study in neuroanatomy and neuropharmacology at the Washington State University School of Veterinary Medicine and then went on to complete a doctorate degree in Veterinary Medicine and the practiced clinical veterinary medicine for 10 years. Now retired, she works as a human rights advocate providing information and advocacy support for others.
Source: Medical Whistleblower Blog


  1. I hope Dr. Parker is working on the misuse of psychotropic drugs, an area in which the government is not doing enough.

  2. I think Janet Parker is working on everything, Thelma. I just checked out her blog and I bet there's not a subject she's not touched upon!

    Thank you for recommending Medical Whistleblower, NASGA. I wouldn't have known about this great blog on my own.

  3. She has a very impressive background and she must have alot of energy too!

  4. I found this blog very useful.Thanks for sharing.
