Friday, November 23, 2012

Lawsuit: TN Attorneys Claim TN Ethics Board Acted Unethically

A bombshell of a lawsuit goes in front of a Nashville judge Thursday as a pair of Nashville lawyers are suing their own ethics board for what they call ethical violations and a cover-up. That means they are suing the very people who punish lawyers for bad ethics. WSMV Channel 4

Attorneys Claim TN Ethics Board Acted Unethically


  1. This kind of behavior is not unique to TN.l
    I've been screwed by attorney and judicial ethics boards in another state.
    Their self-policing is sinking their image to its lowest ebb ever.

  2. Boy am I glad to see this. The reason we have lawless courts is because the discipline committees aren't doing their jobs.

    Go get 'em, TN!

  3. It is clear and known that the Illinois ARDC has 'covered up' all such unethical behavior between attorneys Adam Stern, Cynthia Farenga, Peter Schmidel, Harvey jack Waller, Joel Brodsky, et al and Judges Maureen Connors and Judge Stuart as well as the Administrator and his attorneys at the Illinois ARDC. I, in fact, have sent two Freedom of Information Requests to the ARDC regarding similar communications, and was told that the Illinois ARDC does not have to respond to FOIA requests and therefore, i was denied. I and other people have noted Adam Stern, Peter Schmiedel and even Joel Brodsky in the Probate Courts' chambers before hearings and then, and in particular, Judge Stuart and Judge Connors upon taking the bench, would ignore what was suppose to be heard or done per court order, and simply so whatever Adam Stern, Cynthia Farenga and Peter Schmiedel, for example, have secretly communicated with the judges. For example, I was given an opportunity to present evidence and witnesses, including an Attorney, and instead, my witnesses and even the attorney were ordered out of the courtroom, and I was brought in the back of the courtroom, handcugged to a metal chair and my freedoms and life threatened: when I told the deputy sheriff "no, you can't do that" they threatened to "pick up [my] dog Shaggy' and 'put him in a kill shelter' unless I gave up all the bank accounts of my financials. The court would then freeze all my assets and later the Judge and the three attorneys would admit in open court that they had "a good day" and 'accomplished a lot". I wish attorney Jim Robets well and pray for his success.

  4. Ask the many victims of Judge Randy Kennedy of Davidson Co, TN Probate Court - Danny Tate, Ginger Franklin, Jewel Tinnon, Don Acree, Robert Thurman and the list goes on - if the TN Ethics Board is on the job or if they're asleep at the switch.

  5. Thank you NASGA for this post. Lawyers suing the TN Ethics Board makes my day and proves there are good lawyers out there! I will be interested to follow this story.

  6. The sick system needs real people policing it; not judges and lawyers!

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