Saturday, November 10, 2012

YouTube: Help Save Rosyln Green; Victim of Guardian Abuse

On June 23, 2011, my 89 year old mother, Roslyn Green, was literally dragged from her bed by Self Help Community Services, her State appointed guardian, with nothing but the clothes on her back. She was taken to a nursing home where she's been held in isolation ever since, cut off from all contact with her friends, family and everything and everyone she loves and holds dear. I haven't seen since that day and I fear I may never see her alive again. Source: YouTube: Help Save Rosyln Green; Victim of Guardian Abuse


  1. Why aren't the feds investigating?

  2. "Self Help"? Isn't that the same guardian in the case of the postal worker who was forced to keep working to feed the guardianship?

  3. Very sad. I have to wonder if Rosyln Green is being isolated by court-order of if the guardian is doing this by him/herself.

  4. Removed from her house then locked up and isolated from her family.

    This sounds like another country not the USA.

    Roslyn Green did not commit any criminal acts did she?

    People need to know what can and will happen to them. I can see that the rush to seize is increasing for those who profit and that is the bottom line: PROFIT.

  5. Sylvia, what can I do to help??? I am also in New York. Are you planning a protest, or picketing the building? I read this a few days ago and watched the video and it has been haunting me since. Kidnapping the elderly and imprisonment in a nursing home for profit---it is happening because more and more people want to keep their loved ones at home and take care of them without subjecting them to the isolation and abuse and drugging that the nursing homes provide. they want all of their beds filled for profit so this is the way they keep their businesses going.

    When Mary Giordano, Franchina and Giordano, Garden City, NY, did this to my mother, I was a wreck and so was my Mom. The emotional toll it takes on the person and the family members is tremendous.....all for a dollar. If these people that were doing this realized that by treating others kindly and fairly, the universe would pay them back tenfold. Instead they plot their evil moves with no consideration of the chaos and pain they cause. They figure we will all just "go away." They figured wrong, didn't they..... Please let me know how I can help.

  6. This is outragous and what is occuring to Rosyln Green is beyond being morally reprehensible. Merciless and wihout a conscience....
