Saturday, December 15, 2012

Alabama: Legislation Would Protect Seniors From Physical Abuse, Monetary Crimes

A group of Alabama legislators and government agency officials [12/10] announced proposed changes to state laws they said will boost protection for people 60 and older in cases of elder abuse, neglect and financial exploitation.

State Sen. Cam Ward of Alabaster and Rep. Paul DeMarco of Homewood attended the press conference at the Heardmont Senior Center to show their support of the proposed legislation they are sponsoring.

"This is the opportunity to finally go in and look at where some of the loopholes have been," DeMarco said about state laws pertaining to elder abuse and financial exploitation.

The bill would target caregivers, people with power of attorney, legal guardians and anyone else who monetarily takes advantage of elderly or physically abuses them. It expands the criminal penalties associated with such acts and provides more avenues for prosecution.

Full Article and Source:
Legislation Would Protect Seniors From Physical Abuse, Monetary Crimes


  1. Looking forward to a win on the proposed legislation!

  2. Good first step, but they need to specifically address court-sanctioned financial exploitation through guardianship and conservatorship too.

  3. A BANDAID..It does not help those elder persons who are NOT menatally incapacitated, but have suffered by fraudulent actions of a guardian, lawyer or judiciary. The term "exploitation" is fixated on those who cannot
    fend for themselves, it does not help the ones forcefully"incarcerated" against their will, medicated to the extend of dimming their ability to function, and then steal their assets. We need legislatin, which makes it a crime to defraud the elderly - period...
