Thursday, December 6, 2012

California Fiduciaries Bureau Advisory Committee Lacks Public And Non-Profit Advocacy Committee Members

As of July 6, 2012, the California Fiduciaries Bureau Advisory Committee lacks three members out seven. The three of the four current committee members are all private licensed fiduciaries, leaving very little room for the protection of consumers of the private fiduciary, guardian, and or trustee in California.

According to the Fiduciaries Bureau Committee Member web page at, all its licensed private fiduciary advisory members have been appointed by the Governor of California.

It is not surprising that the Fiduciaries Bureau of California is lacking a public advisory committee member, and it also not surprising that the Bureau advisory committee is without a non-profit organization advocating on behalf of the elderly, considering the Bureau’s lackluster record in protecting consumers of private fiduciaries from financial abuse, emotional distress, and their freedoms.

The Fiduciaries Advisory Committee may be reached at

Full Article and Source:
FiduciaryWatch: California Fiduciaries Bureau Advisory Committee Lacks Public And Non-Profit Advocacy Committee Members


  1. The reason guardianship abuse continues to grow is because true advocates have not been heard regarding legislation and advocacy committees.

    Thus far, "reform" if that's the word to use, has all been directed by guardianship practitioners and pro-guardian organizations such as the NGA and AARP, etc.

  2. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, a committee formed to look like it's going to offer help and reform, but a review of those actually on the committee paint a different picture.

    Thanks for posting, NASGA

  3. Good points. They create a committee but without advocates, the committee is hollow.

  4. All fiducairy members of the Fiduciaries Bureau Advisory Committe are alos members of the California Professional Fiduciaries Association, which lobbies on behalf of licensed Calif. fiduciaries.
