Sunday, December 23, 2012

Florida is a Zero-Tolerance State for Human Trafficking? Not Really!

In tracking the rampant organized criminal activity across the country with regards to the abuse of elderly individuals [with assets] who are targeted by professional predators working within the probate system, Florida jumps to the forefront in the abuse, exploitation, and looting of personal assets of the elderly.

While Florida may have been at one time, the most desired state to retire to, it is now the preferred hunting grounds of professional predators who operate within and with the cooperation of the probate court system. This is human trafficking for profit.

From the Attorney General's website:  
“Contrary to some misconceptions, human trafficking crimes do not require any smuggling or movement of the victim,” says the Department of Justice on its website.

Florida's status as a hub for human trafficking has state officials pushing a "zero-tolerance" policy toward criminals who exploit others for profit.

“It’s important to me because this is a crime against humanity, it’s truly modern-day slavery,” State Attorney General Pam Bondi said in an interview.

These should be comforting and reassuring words, and for the most part I presume that most find them so. Still, I wonder why Attorney General Bondi refuses to even acknowledge another form of human trafficking rampant not only in Florida, but across the nation. The trafficking of the elderly who committed what must be the new crime of, aging with assets.

Full Article and Source:
Florida is a Zero-Tolerance State for Human Trafficking?  Not Really!


  1. Florida is undoubtedly one of the major hunting grounds for predators known as "Fiduciaries"
    (people of trust??)

  2. Wherever there is a concentration of vulnerable people, the vultures flock.

  3. I am a new fan of Marti Oakley's. She tells it like it is!

  4. This is a warning not to retire in Florida!

  5. Florida, Nevada -- anywhere the eldelry go....

    Great article, Marti!

  6. Well done, Marti. Every word true too.
