Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fmr. Pinole Police Commander Arrested for Financial Elder Abuse

A former police commander is in county jail in Oakland. The one-time Pinole cop is accused of the financial abuse of an 82-year-old woman.

Pleasanton police arrested Matthew Messier after a four month investigation. They discovered Messier and his wife took control of the 82-year-old's home, bank account, cars and safety deposit box -- assets amounting to about $750,000.

Matthew Messier, 36, was a commander with the Pinole Police Department when investigators say he used his position of authority to convince the Pleasanton woman to sign over all her assets.

"Property and other assets probably range is estimated about $750,000," Pleasanton Police Sgt. Kurt Schlehuber said.

Schlehuber was one of the investigators in the case that began in July when a social worker with the county's adult protective services noticed some problems with the woman's assets. Schlehuber says Messier's wife, 30-year-old Elizabeth Regalado, was also involved.

"They gained the trust of the victim including an actual trust of the victim's estate where they were named as trustees," Schlehuber said.

The Alameda County districts attorney's complaint lists 14 counts of financial elder abuse that range from grand theft to practicing law without a license. Regalado is being charged with conspiracy.

Fmr. Pinole Police Commander Arrested for Financial Elder Abuse


  1. This is the second day there has been an article about police allegedly going to the dark side of elder abuse. I hope these are very isolated incidents.

  2. You're right, Anonymous. It's another sad case.

  3. I guess it's tempting when a bad cop is alone on a job.
