Friday, December 7, 2012

MI: Redford Woman Charged With Embezzling Money From Elderly Father in Nursing Home

A Redford Township woman is charged with embezzling money from her elderly father while he was in a nursing home.
Renee Bullock was charged with one felony count of embezzlement from a vulnerable adult.
Mich. Attorney General Bill Schuette announced the charges on Wednesday.
Schuette say Bullock used more than $140,000 of her father's money for her own personal use.
Bullock was granted power of attorney and appointed guardianship of her father after he was admitted to nursing facility in Westland.
From the time her father was admitted to the facility in Dec. 2010, until March 2012, Schuette says Bullock failed to make payments to the nursing home.

Instead Schuette says Bullock leased a Cadillac CTS and a Chevrolet Tahoe and made payments to them using the funds.

An investigation also found the money was used at casinos, nail and tanning salons, numerous restaurants and retail establishments.
In addition, Schuette says cash advance loans were repaid with the money.

"Financial exploitation of Michigan's most vulnerable, our seniors, is one of the fastest growing crimes," said Schuette. "Nursing home residents are the most vulnerable and the least likely to detect or report exploitation. We are cracking down on criminals who target Michigan's nursing home residents."

Full Article and Source:
Redford Township Woman Charged With Embezzling Money From Elderly Father in Nursing Home


  1. Sad case. She says she didn't do it but that ought to be easy to prove.

    1. Its amazing how much of this article is incorrect beginning with my age. It's also amazing how people are judgemental and do not know the facts. And how my father disagrees with this as well and is hurt that these allegations are being made about his only child. Also my father had a FINANCIAL ADVISOR!!!! Nor were any of those cars ever leased in my name. I drive 2000 grand am not luxury at all. The nursing got over 70,000 from his investment account, his social sec and pension now, his house was sold against his wishes along with his cars.

  2. She didn't do it? Who did it; Daddy?

  3. My mother died at the Preakness Health Care Center in Wayne, NJ after a DNR with so called "Hospice" was forced upon her at my objection and she was starved to death with no food or nourishment at all for the last two weeks of her life; All subsequent to the actions of Judge Margaret Mary McVeigh who failed to acknowledge my Power of Attorney and transferred the POA to a NJ Senior Services Guardian who ordered a PEG tube that destroyed my mother's stomach! In my view this was nothing short of MURDER, injustice, and evil corruption!

  4. I wonder how it happened that Michigan's AG decided to prosecute THIS exploitive guardian, but not others. Does this indicate procedure changes due to the new anti-abuse/exploitation laws? Did the probate court discover and report the problem? How atypical, but decent.
