Monday, December 24, 2012

Petition to the FDA; Regulate Nursing Home Injuries and Deaths

Family members expect bed rails to protect the parents, grandparents, and great grandparents spending their nights in nursing home beds.

Warning labels are not placed on the bed rails that have strangled and injured Senior Citizens for years. The FDA finally issued a warning in 1995 about the dangers of bed rails.You've heard about that, right? Exactly. No one has. And so the deaths and injuries continued.

After the FDA's ineffective warning, officials discussed placing warning labels on bed rails. But, manufacturers resisted, so the FDA let it slide.

Shoving the issue of bed rail safety labeling under the rug won't hide the needless deaths and injuries that vulnerable senior citizens face. Putting a warning label on a product that needs it, however, will save lives.

SIGN the Petition - FDA: Regulate Nursing Home Injuries and Deaths


  1. Wasn't the purpose of government to protect the citizens?

  2. I hope this petition brings focus to this problem.

  3. I have never head of this. Thank you for bring it to my attention.

  4. Warning lables should be doable! And it should be easy.

    Lives can be saved. Thank you for publishing this petition.
