Saturday, December 1, 2012

Recommended Blog: FiduciaryWatch has filed for nonprofit incorporation, and wishes to promote and support the interests of seniors, disabled adults, minors, and non-disabled minors who are consumers of licensed private fiduciaries, and suffering emotionally, physically, and or financially at the hands of the private fiduciary industry in California and or Nationwide.

This page is a general outline of what we here at would like to see provided to advocate for the protection of seniors, disabled adults and minors, and non-disabled minors and their families, whom are consumers of the merging industry of the private fiduciary in both California and nationwide. welcomes input and participation. Please feel free to explore our blog, send in e-mails, write articles, produce journalistic reporting, journalistic documentaries, u-tube reports, etc., informing us, and the public, about any senior citizen, disabled adult and or minor, non-disabled minor, and their family/families who are being taken advantage by those who earn their livelihood in the new and merging industry of the private fiduciary, estate managers, court appointed guardians, court appointed trustees, probate court investigators, lawyers, and or probate judges.

Fiduciary Watch


  1. It's good to have another ally in the cause!

  2. Yes, another good source.

  3. We need all the help we can get to fight these wrongdoings.

  4. I took a look at this site and it looks good!

  5. Fiduciarywatch thanks the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse for the post, and promises to make the blog even better, as we are newbies, and that we will work dilitgently to promote a culture of fairness for clients of licensed fiduciaries in California and nationwide.

  6. Looks like we've found a friend to work with! And I like the site too.

  7. The more good sites like this exposing the abuse, the better.

    Thanks for posting Fiduciary Watch, NASGA!

  8. Very good news! Thanks for posting.

  9. I'm glad to see NASGA recommend Fiduciary Watch and I'll check them often.

  10. Fiduciary Watch looks like it's going to be an effective organization and the fact that NASGA is supporting it should really help them too. This is good news all around.

  11. United we stand divided we fall. Fiduciary Watch will be a long term relationship with NASGA all with the same goals.
