Thursday, January 31, 2013

IA Group Home Caregiver Pleads Guilty to Financial Exploitation

A former caregiver at a Skyline Center group home pleaded guilty to financially exploiting two residents.
Anitra D. Enriquez pleaded guilty to two counts of dependant adult abuse, financial exploitation and received fines of $100 and $65.

According to court documents, Enriquez served as a Skyline caregiver at a group home at 272 36th Ave.

Samantha Kress, a Skyline employee, reported strange withdraws on the bank accounts of two dependent adults living at the group home at 272 36th Ave. North, according to the affidavit.

According to court documents, caregivers have access to residents’ accounts for dependent adult care.

Full Article and Source:
Woman Pleads Guilty to Financial Exploitation


  1. Why would group home caregivers have access to financial information?

  2. Oh yeah, $100 and $65 fines are a real deterrant. Give me a break!

  3. It makes absolutely no sense to me that these workers would have access to confidential information.
