Sunday, January 6, 2013

Tonight on T.S. Radio: Janet O'Brien on Elder Exploitation in Washington State

Janet O’Brien is a Seattle based private investigator who has worked on numerous cases of elder abuse at the hands of professionals and occasionally family members who operate in collusion with probate courts to loot the estates of the elderly who committed what must be the new crime of [aging with assets].

Janet hosts her own cable TV program “Public Interest Issues”  on the Seattle Community Media channel in Washington state where she highlights these issues.

Of special interest to Ms. OBrien was the strange case of Dorothy Grega.  O’Brien took this case all the way to the Supreme Court. This case was accepted for Conference of September 24th, 2012 for the United States Supreme Court consideration under the Case Obrien v. Kirley Washington State case on the docket for Sept 24 for Conference {case number is 11-1489}.  While the Supreme Court reviewed the case they chose not to hear it, treating as they have many other cases presented for their consideration on the issue of predatory fiduciary’s and the complicity of corrupt probate courts in facilitating the kidnaping, isolation and forced medicating of elderly individuals who have large estates which are then looted by the predators.  They found it interesting but not worthy of their time.

Robert Hamlin was also a victim of a guardianship case in Washington State and Janet will be talking at length about this case.

Please join us for what will be a very interesting broadcast detailing what one woman has done in her efforts to stop what can be nothing other than a national disgrace.  To call what is happening to our seniors “abuse” is an understatement.  This is human trafficking for profit at its worst.

Tonight:  7:00 CST...5:00 PST … 6:00 MST … 7:00 CST … 8:00 EST

LISTEN LIVE or listen to the archive later


  1. More cases being exposed, case by case to prove the failures to those who have the power and authority to stop the carnage of innocent people. Thank you Marti Oakley for your continued dedication to a very worthwhile cause. Do we want our families to be listening 10-15 years from now about our cases? If this continues, remember WE ARE NEXT!!!

  2. I'm listening now and it's a great show!

  3. We are fighting a losing battle, if not even our civil rights are worth a debate on the US Supreme court. That about tells the status of our expectancy of aging in these United States. eb

    D I S G R A C E F U L
