Thursday, February 28, 2013

Elder Justice Act promotes awareness of elder abuse

DARKE COUNTY – State and local officials are focusing on establishing safeguards and promoting awareness of elder abuse, which has becoming a growing topic in recent years.

Last week, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine joined state representatives Wes Retherford and Mike Dovilla to introduce the Ohio Elder Justice Act, which is intended to strengthen the existing Adult Protective Services Law and improve the response to elder abuse incidents.

“We need to do everything we can do protect our senior citizens from both physical and financial harm,” said Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine. “We are pleased that representatives Dovilla and Retherford are working towards turning these recommendations into law.”

Full Article & Source:
Elder Justice Act promotes awareness of elder abuse


  1. But what aboutu stopping abuse and exploitation by court-appointed guardians?

  2. I agree, Thelma. But, I'm also happy with awareness. Awareness is the first step.

  3. I agree with Thelma, how about holding complicit courts liable for their indiscretions regarding both elder physical abuse and elder financial abuse victims by those they appoint to manage the estates of the frail, disabled, and elderly.

  4. The federal Elder Justice Act has been around a long time.
    So how has it stopped guardian and conservator abuse and exploitation?

  5. It is correct, the Elder Justice Act has been around for a long time, but it does not address the real problem, and they refuse to do anything about it. WHO EOULD OTHERWISE PAY FOR AN ELDERS CARE? The Insurance industry is free to do as they please, and the caregivers exploit the elders who are not covered by insurance. The State takes their assets to pay for the care they are given, when they are considered, not to be able to care for themselves. It is all avout money in this country without Comprehensive and Universal health insurance coverage.
    Get used to it...eb
