Saturday, February 16, 2013

Millions in Disability Housing Aid on Way

Nearly $98 million in rental assistance is headed to states to help thousands of people with disabilities live in the community.

The federal money is expected to fund 3,530 housing units in 13 states for people who require long-term services and supports to live independently, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development said this week. Housing agencies within the states are now working with Medicaid and Health and Human Services officials to identify very low-income individuals with disabilities who are in need of the rental assistance.

Federal officials say they expect many people receiving the new funds to be transitioning out of institutions.

“Our nation is strongest when all our citizens are able to fully participate and contribute,” said Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius. “This unique collaboration of federal and state agencies will enable thousands of Americans with disabilities to lead productive, meaningful lives in their communities.”

Full Article and Source:
Disability Scoop: Millions in Disability Housing Aid on Way


  1. Good - the disabled need every break they can get.

  2. Keeping the elderly and disabled in their communitions will save HUGE amounts of money.
    BUT...The State must see to their safety from abuse and exploitation!
