Friday, February 8, 2013

The Elderly are Neglected and Forgotten

The elderly are neglected and “forgotten” by society because people don’t want to be reminded of their own mortality, the comedian Ricky Gervais has said.

Gervais, whose most recent comedy series is set in an old people’s home, says public figures and Hollywood stars should speak out for the elderly.
“No one cares. They're forgotten, bewildered, and I don't think it's because people are cruel or don't care. It's because you don't want to think about your own mortality.

“I think people don't talk about it enough. There's a strange arrogance. Sometimes being old is used as an insult, which is bizarre because, if you're lucky, that's literally going to happen to you,” he told the Observer.

Full Article and Source:
Rickey Gervais: The Elderly Are Neglected and Forgotten


  1. Ricky Gervais is 100% right on. Media stays away from news items about the elderly, reluctant to show photos or film footage viewers would rather be in the dark in denial being reminded of old age that is waiting for all of us unless we check out early it's a simple as that.

    Thank YOU Ricky, Thank you NASGA for your tireless efforts and dedication and compassion for the elderly, the vulnerable, the helpless.

  2. when the irreverent ricky gervais speaks in the terms he does here? what does that tell us?
