Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Forgotten Ones: Compassion for the Elderly

"Sometimes I just have to cry in my bed at night. You know, so nobody knows. I try to keep up a brave face, but sometimes I just have to cry." ~ A nursing home resident

Please call your local nursing home and volunteer to visit a lonely and forgotten resident. Your love may be the only love they receive. ♥

The Forgotten Ones: Compassion for the Elderly


  1. Thank you for this gentle reminder.

  2. So true. Many of us seeing this reminder will be in this resident's place if we live long enough. Leaving our home is traumatic for all age groups. Without those who are capable of compassion, our world would be cold and cruel.

  3. sweet lady she has me wondering what she is thinking and who she is thinking about from her earlier years we're going to have to get ourselves ready for old age some won't make it that long but for those of us who do we need to stop being in denial
