Thursday, March 28, 2013

Alleged fraudster charged with bilking elderly

A 62-year-old man accused of bilking several people out of more than $70,000 with stories ranging from his wife’s miscarriage to a legally entangled inheritance pleaded not guilty to 13 felonies.

Prosecutors say James Keeton gained the trust of the victims, ages 51 to 88, before gaining their money. He met them through the San Mateo Horseman’s Association and St. Pius Parish in Redwood City ultimately sought personal loans between $3,000 and $23,650. He reportedly claimed his wife had recently miscarried twins and their home was at risk of foreclosure but that that they could repay the money with a pending large inheritance tied up in litigation in New York. Keeton took the loans but never repaid the money, according to the District Attorney’s Office.

The total amount taken from all the alleged victims is $73,650.

Keeton pleaded not guilty to seven counts of fraud and six counts of elder abuse. He did not waive his right to a speedy trial and a preliminary hearing was set for March 29.

Bail was set at $750,000 with the order that any bond posted be examined to ensure it does not include any of the allegedly defrauded funds. He remains in custody and returns to court March 27 for a review conference.

Full Article & Source:
Alleged fraudster charged with bilking elderly