Tuesday, June 11, 2013

KY: Judge Faces Suspension Over Threats Due to Cell Phone Call

A senior judge is facing a possible suspension over allegations of misbehavior and open displays of bias while on the bench, including an accusation that he threatened to strangle a defense attorney because of a phone call during a death penalty appeal.
The Kentucky Judicial Conduct Commission has scheduled a hearing for Tuesday in Paducah for Judge Martin McDonald of Louisville, who faces two counts of violating the rules of judicial conduct. Commission attorney George Rabe, in a memo recommending McDonald's suspension from the bench, noted that the judge had a stroke about 18 months ago that limited his ability to filter what he says.

Full Article and Source:
KY May Suspend Judge Over Death Penalty Case


  1. He got carried away and should be held accoutable for his actions.

  2. Forget "carried away"!

    Judges should get a psych evaluation before they're appointed!
