Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thoughts and Wishes for Mary Sykes

This is RM1461, day one thousand, four hundred and sixty one (four years) of trying to rescue Mary G. Sykes from the broken guardianship system she finds herself locked in.

I had the good fortune to see Mary a week ago.  You Neighbors, Friends and Family of Mary Sykes will be very pleased to know that she was very talkative, happy for the attention, constantly asked if Gloria was there to take her home, if she had a home (the Guardian sold it in April) very, very appreciative and a little surprised to know that people are still trying to get her released from the financial exploitation, control and isolation she is in.

For those of you not familiar with the basics of this case, it's simple:  four years ago the future guardian  realized correctly that due to her own inappropriate actions,  she was going to lose either 50% of her anticipated inheritance or 100% of it.  The expediency was to avoid both by guardianizing her mother.  It only took from June 30 to Dec 10.

So please, make a wish for rescue and justice or just raise a glass.  That is what Mary might suggest herself if she was ever given permission to call or receive calls.  It's been so long, Christmas Eve Dinner, 2009 ( and then only through the good graces of a Court Order)  since I and my mom were allowed to see Mary that I can't remember if Mary preferred red or white.

I have to say how much I admire this 94 year old Lady and how well she has held out against the odds she  faces. The same goes for those who have worked tirelessly and to keep the faith to help Mary.  You know who you are.

May everyone pray, wish for and support the day that Mary will soon be able to hold her daughter Gloria in her arms again.

I ask everyone give hope to each other on this 4th of July Independence Day, and hope Mary, unlike the last four years, will have her Independence of choice to be with her daughter Gloria and the rest of her loving family and friends and enjoy all the other blessings that are inherent in what Independence Day is meant to celebrate. 

Very sincerely,

Scott Evans

See Also:
Mary Sykes, Illinois Victim


  1. Crook County - where guardianship is BIG BAD BUSINESS!
    Let's all work at freeing Mary to be with her daughter Gloria.

  2. Mary Sykes should have access to both of her daughters. Guardianship is supposed to be about what's right for HER!

  3. I think many of us are reflecting in the same way today, Scott.

    It is a lovely tribute to Mary Sykes.

  4. Mary Sykes deserves better; let's pray she gets it.

  5. Thank you Scott. Thank you everybody who have stood up and said "no" to what had happened to my mother and to other elderly and/or disabled men and women. This is the fourth 4th of July where Mom and me, and our family and friends, including Scott and Doris have not met at my back yard and celebrated the day: and then, after a wonderful barbeque, where through 2008, Carolyn, Fred and Kristin Toerpe attended, as well as Scott and Doris, mother's two sisters Aunts Yolanda and Josephine, Kathie Bakken, and at least a dozen other family and friends from the neighborhood. And then a tradition, Scott, Doris, Mom and Me would go to some fireworks display, or sometimes we'd just stay in the backyard and experience the displays from our neighbors, including the Norwood Park Fire Department.JoAnne Denison and her family joined us two years in a row... how things have changed because of this horror perpetrated on my Mother. I would do it again, given the chance, to see my mother, and I will never forget the visit at Sunrise with her. The first thing she said once she saw me was, "I knew you'd come and get me: I know you didn't abandon me". I will ever abandon her. NEVER. Thanks again for the tribute. and so I pray and pray and pray. God bless us all.

  6. Four years is a long time, but even so, don't ever give up!

  7. I am grateful that Gloria and her friends were finally able to see Mary Sykes. Mary needs to know that she has not been forgotten or abandoned by those she cared for and loved in her 'former life'. Restricting visitors is cruel unjust treatment and punishment with dire consequences, Mary deserves better.
