Saturday, August 17, 2013

Nursing Home Reality Blog

A visitor to this blog shared the following comment a few days ago. I think her comment speaks directly to the issue of corporate greed and that leads to both the neglect of nursing home residents as well as mistreatment of nursing staff. A nurse wrote:

"At one time I worked in a nursing home that was so understaffed that I dreaded work every day. I provided care to 24 residents at one time (on a unit with a total of 48 residents).

On my shift there were just two CNAs and two nurses for 48 residents.

One time I was forced to work while having the flu and a 102 degree fever. Management told me that I would be fired if I didn’t report to work and they would demand the state revoke my licence for abandonment. It is really sad what happens in these nursing homes.”



  1. I wonder how big the nursing home reform movement is these days...

  2. I wonder how much the operators are giving the legislators.

  3. And nurses get stuck with tons of paperwork. Patients suffer. Profits increase....

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