Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Word About Attorney Ken Ditkowsky

Friday, October 11th at 11:00 a.m., Illinois Attorney Ken Ditkowsky will stand in front of the ARDC Review Board* in oral argument, defending himself against a four-year suspension of his law license for his involvement in the Mary G. Sykes unlawful guardianship case.

NASGA stands firmly with Attorney Ditkowsky, as we have all along. Attorney Ditkowsky is one of a dying breed of attorneys - those who chose and went in to the legal profession to help people in need instead of just to make a lot of money; a man who is outraged by injustice; and a champion and voice for the vulnerable.

We pray for justice at this hearing.

The world can't stand to lose an attorney like Ditkowsky; in fact, we need more like him!

*One Prudential Plaza
15th Floor
Chicago, IL
11:00 a.m. 


  1. I support Ken Ditkowsky all the way!

  2. God willing the truth will prevail. Best to you Attorney Ditkowsky.

  3. I support Attorney Ken Ditkowsky!

    Atty. Ditkowsky, Thank you---for what you did, what you are saying and who you are.

  4. thinking of you, Ken, and hoping the truth does prevail this time.

  5. I support Ken Ditkowsky because he has been willing to confront injustice at the risk of losing his law license in retaliation of those who profit off of a system that railroads seniors into guardianship and ravages their assets, dignity, liberty, property, and pursuit of happiness!

  6. I wish I could be there in the court room that day to support you Ken but live in Florida and cannot, will be thinking of you and hoping that truth prevails! Thank you for the wonderful person you are!

  7. Attorney Ken Ditkowsky has been a driving force to keep my spirits and my resolve going. There is so much injustice and attorneys like Ditkowsky are a breath of fresh air.

  8. I hope the courtroom is packed!

  9. Attorneys who stand up for justice and whistle blowers are our heroes. When they are punished, we all are punished. In reality, to the people, Ditkowsky's judges are on trial.

    Ron Libert

  10. When attorneys like Ditkowsky stand up for justice, it is the judges who are on trial.

  11. Well here we go again. Those that step up to do the human thing get chewed up by the sharks. The larger percentage of thieves in the judicial branch get away with crimes of high treason and the ones who speak out about corruption are silenced like lambs. I think something should be sanctioned against the ARDC for taking away the 1st amendment from attorneys.
    Ken be strong, know that we are with you in spirit. It is them that have violated their oath not you. Thank you.....

  12. We need to support more lawyers like Ken, Mr. Ditkowsky is an example of GOOD PEOPLE making a difference by setting an example and taking personal responsibility. Far too many lawyers take advantage of their position and do what is called "LEGAL CRIMES" approved by courts or ignored its all dishonest and a disgusting way to make a living on the weak, disabled and defenseless.

  13. I plan to attend the hearing.

  14. Ken Ditkowsky is what I would a "Stand up Guy" that knows the struggle well and we can't afford to lose an Attorney of his standing or caliber.

    Ken you just keep on telling the truth and don't let the system wear you down, your a fighter and one that is both appreciated and needed.

    Just remember its the court system that is on trial here and not you....!!!

  15. We sure need more Ditkowskys. Good luck, Ken!

  16. In the environment of guardianship law, practiced in a probate court, true justice has a slim chance of prevailing. Let us focus our prayers that Attorney Ditkowsky will prevail against all odds. Somewhere along the line, greed and lust for power will be overcome; the tide must change.

  17. I have learned so much from Mr. Ditkowsky and respect him as a lawyer and a human being.

  18. I join my fellow NASGA members in taking my hat off to Attorney Ken Ditkowsky.

  19. I support Attorney Ken Ditkowsky. He seeks the truth whereas so many attorney's go the way of the dollar. He has been a voice for those who need him so badly.

  20. When will the IL ARDC look in the right direction?

    When will the IL ARDC lawyers look into the cases that Attorney Ken Ditkowsky is complaining about?

    When will the IL ARDC look at the lawyers who filed the complaint against Ken Ditkowsky?

    It's all there just waiting for a federal investigation - the feds need to investigate those who are stonewalling and using their powers to silence a lawyer who will not be silenced - isn't that a 'hint' that something is very wrong?

  21. Ken, Thank you for all you are doing to put an end to the corruption on the 18th floor of the Daley Center. I am certain you speak the truth because my loved one is also a victim of the Cook County Probate Court, although you do not know her name, and thus have not spoken out about her case.

    Because she is still under guardianship, I, like many others, remain anonymous so my loved one is not isolated as Mary Sykes has been.

    I will be in court to support you tomorrow. Thank you for all you are doing.

  22. “Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly.”
    ― Mahatma Ghandi

    Ken Ditkowsky, an attorney at law for about 50 years, is about to stand before the ARDC to defend his license to practice law. His crime: Speaking the truth about the Corruption in the Cook County Probate Court, and asking for an open, honest investigation.

    Ken has a dear friend who was railroaded into an unethical guardianship, denied her right to an attorney, isolated from her family and friends (including her 80 and 90 year old siblings), and had her home and money taken from her by her court-appointed guardian---all with the approval of a Cook County judge.

    Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case, and unethical guardianships are common in Cook County; my mother is a victim as well.

    Despite an attorney's legal obligation to report wrong-doing, it is against the ARDC's rules for attorneys to speak negatively about the court. Lawyers are not permitted their basic Constitutional right to free speech to expose court corruption.

    Ken Ditokowsky is a brave and honorable man indeed; he is a man who speaks the truth and acts accordingly.

    May the truth prevail.

  23. I too stand with Ken Ditkowsky. It is unimaginable that an organization exists, which threatens the profession of an honest man. The United States Bar Assotiation is corrupt, forging their own Agenda's, that is why a lawyer like Ken Ditkowsky is being
    harassed and attempted to be shut up.

  24. Another honest lawyer is under attack by the dishonest BARfia!
    I've heard that they "eat their own." And now I understand that.


  25. Ken, You are a knowledgeable and courageous voice who valiantly tries to help those whose loved one are being abused to the highest degree, and who continue being abused until their deaths! You are hero in our books and we despise those who are opposing your seeking of legal justice to defend the frail and elderly!! Whoever is opposing and trying to bring you down, is also a Criminal; by his/her Condoning of the Abuse, Exploitation and Death of our loved one caught in a whirlwind of injustice through our Court systems!!!!

  26. Thanks for all you do Ken... for standing up for Truth, Justice and integrity. We need more Attorney's like you. God Bless!

  27. Let's hope the media does something atypical, and shines a bright light on this case in support of Attorney Ditkowsky. We've had two brave insiders in Pennsylvania, a judge and an attorney, stand up for what is right, and neither has a job now. The good guys shouldn't have to stand alone. Good luck Attorney Ditkowsky.

  28. I have personally been through a similar battle, trying to get the notorious Scott Schuett, who abuses and neglects his 400 residents, with the help of our public guardianship programs, Jewish Family Service of Tidewater and Catholic Charities of Eastern Virginia, shut down. Last week the fifth of his six adult homes was closed, and a corrupt guardian ad litem who sent victims to Schuett in violation of a court order claimed that my efforts constituted "harrassment." Totally oblivious to the suffering of her "clients" ....

  29. I was in the room to witness the professional assassination of Ken and for those of you who do not know, here is a brief report from the front lines:

    Ken is not and was not an 'attorney of record' in the Sykes case nor in any of the cases he spoke of and speaks of, and with this in mind Ken stood at the podium yesterday and told the three members of the panel, in sum -- I am a citizen speaking out not an attorney. I answer to a higher power and I will NOT repent for speaking out because I am a citizen. He pointed to the panel and said "you are citizens too and you too have the same duty to speak out as have I" --

    Interestingly the 'prosecutor' kept repeating that Ken violated the rule of ethics by making false statements about a judge being incompetent of otherwise corrupt, yet never has the IARDC proven Ken's statement to be false, they just proclaim them to be false.

    At the end of the day -- Hypocrites are a dime a dozen, and Ken Ditkowsky is not one of them.

  30. Over four years my mother Mary G. Sykes has been tortured, held hostage, and remains in the control of a named respondant to a petition for a protective order, Carolyn Toerpe, who lives at 527 Grimes in Naperville, Ill. Toerpe's retaliation against my mother began on June 30, 2009, when Toerpe kidnapped Mother from the Harrist Street court house where Mother sought protection (from Toerpe): it was unexpectedt hat four DuPage County Sheriff would aid and abet Toerpe in the kidnapping. While held custody, Mother was able to reach out to me many times via the telephone, which I recorded each call. Mother wrote letters to the Court and even stood before Judge Connors, competent and stirdy in her demands to be protected from Toerpe's abuses and financial exploitation(s): however, Judge Maureen Connors-- in an ex parte proceeding, appointed Toerpe plenary guardia of mother through an agreement between Toerpe, and two Guardian Ad Litems Cynthia Farenga and Adam Stern. Mother at 91, continued to reach out to me and in letters and in one telephone conversation specifically, Mother asked me to find and retain attorney Kenneth Ditkowsky -- he was not only her long time litigation attorney, but he helped her plan her estate (aroud 2004) and continued a friendship until Toerpe kidnapped Mother on June 30, 2009. (Mother would be driving by or mother and I would be near Ken's one time Chicago office, and Mothe would stop in uninvited. If attorney Ken was in, he would stop everything and the two you sit in either his office or the conference room and chat about "things" . That said, only after Mother asked me to find and retain attorney Ken to represent her and in her words, "save" her from "Toerpe's abuses", did I stay up all night and it was around 6 am in the morning when I located attorney Ken. I immediately called, thinking I would leave a message and instead Ken's assistant answered the telephone: a meeting was scheduled for 9 am that morning. Ken did the proper thing and told me and family and friends that he needed to first investigate all of our "allegaions", although he was given the handwritten letters, notes and even a digital recording of Mother.

    None of us, including Mohter, could forsee that Carolyn Toerpe, attorneys Peter Schmiedel, Adam Stern and Cynthia Farenga would go so far as to silence attorney Ken D. in order to perpetrate their tortures ad isolation of my mother -- and the Illinois ARDC would support Toerpe, Farenga, Schmiedel and Stern in these overt unethical, evil, and lawless actions -- but what I do know is that Mother was correct when she asked me to find her friend attorney Ken D. as he has truly proved -- among other important facts and issues -- that he is a true friend to my mother, Mary G. Sykes and when she gets that chance to thank Ken, and I pray she does, I am certain she will hug and kiss you like you've never been thanked before. I thank you too -- Thank you Ken Ditkowsky for taking the meeting with me way back in early 2010 -- and for never giving up on my mother.
