Monday, November 11, 2013

A Tribute to Veteran Gary E. Harvey

A wife's loving tribute to her husband, Gary Harvey - Veteran and unfortunately trapped in an abusive guardianship.   Currently, Gary is confined to a hospital room and denied all visitation from family, friends, advocates - even clergy.  The guardian does not keep his wife informed of his medical condition and blocks all her efforts to advocate for his best interest and his preferences. 

Please pray for Gary's continued strength and that he will be allowed the comfort and the love of his wife.


  1. I will pray for Gary, Sara. And for you. Your love for him is loud and clear.

  2. A very lovely tribute to your husband, Mrs. Harvey. It made me cry.

  3. A tragedy... But who is responsible for such a horrific situation to continue?
    I am glad, that Sarah is trying everything possible to bring her husband home...just hoping that they do not go after her for Defamation, as they did to me. eb


  4. I am not so sure if this is a tribute given the circumstances that my husband is forced to live.

    I pray that maybe this video will help someone else.

    That is what my husband would want, just like when he fought for us.

  5. Davidson & O'Mara is the firm where the judge came from.
    When accused of conflict, the judge denied it.

    There were tremendous violations of rights in this case.

  6. Sara, you have courageously advocated for your husband against all odds. The guardian should be removed; there's no question about it.

    If you did the same thing to Gary that the guardian is doing, you'd be in jail. No question about it.

    The system is so screwed up.

  7. I would think this video would help others, Sara. Thank you for doing it for them and for your husband.

  8. I'm so sorry, Mrs. Harvey. This is so wrong and you can bet if it were happening to their husband, they wouldn't put up with it. They have no empathy and you're right, they don't love him.

  9. Gary is lucky to have such a devoted wife and I wish them both well.

  10. Very well done. Anyone who sees this video must be touched and mad at the same time.
