Friday, November 8, 2013

Guardianship Abuse is a Global Problem, Says Denise Brailey of the BFCSA Australia

Denise Brailey and The Banking & Finance Consumers Support Association (BFCSA) is an organization that everyone should be watching, as in the American Revolution of Independence, Denise will soon be firing "The Shot that will be Heard Around the World".

But this time it won't be from 13 rouge colony's of the Crown, this shot will be fired from Australia and have ramifications Worldwide as she aims directly at the heart of Global Financial Cartels that have used there power to Corrupt our Politicians and have destroyed the lives of so many Worldwide.

To say Denise Brailey is a remarkable women would be an understatement and she has managed to strike fear into the heart of the beast, exposing the Global Banking System for what it really is and how intertwined and interdependent via cross ownership they are.

When I said that we have an problem with "Institutionalized Elderly Abuse" I meant it and the message is not lost on Denise as she is fully aware of the danger the 800 Pound Gorillas are to the Wealth of the  Greatest Generation, the Boomers and their children.

See :
Bankers and Finance Consumer's Support Association, Inc.

Facebook:  Bendigo Banksters


  1. The video is exceptionally telling!

  2. The Banks and Financial Institutions are the 800 Pound Gorillas in all of this, their political bribery and corruption is the basis for the laws worldwide, that many of the smaller perpetrators hide behind.

    Go get them Denise and thank God that there are people like you that can see the overview and go straight for the heart of the Beast...!!!

  3. Loosing our family home at our ages was a disaster that we will never recover from, I feel abused by the banks and left without hope.

  4. The banks might have the money, but they are morally bankrupt and we need to fight back here in the USA and those folks down under.

  5. My mother and father lost there house because of this, they now live with us and all we can do is is our best for them, at least they have a roof over there heads and family that loves them.

  6. With the Senate Committee Inquiry Hearing into ASIC, Low Doc Loans & No Doc Loan (Australia's Sub-Prime Loan Scandal) targeting the Elderly and missing documents that have just vanished from bank files.

    Institutionalized Elderly Abuse should also be investigated by the Senators as well within the Banking, Guardians and Trustee Systems Nationally.

    They might be surprised what they discover and how deep a cover-up the banks have really done, I bet this Bank Manager knows a a lot more than she is telling and I will be watching it all from America very closely..!!!

  7. The days of being able to either trust your bank or bank manager are now a thing in the distant past and long behind us.

    I can't put my finger on exactly when the trust was lost by the banking industry, I do know that the banks are the ones that have lost the trust of people and their customers with no one to blame but themselves.

    Some of there executives need to be prosecuted for the crimes of fraud they may have committed and simply put in jail, perhaps after the house is cleaned and we can see that it is then trust might be able to be restored in the fullness of time.

  8. I hope Ms. Brailey has broken the bankers code for once, if it is not Wells Fargo or J.P Morgan up to no good then it is another.

    I watched the video and that Bengigo Bank Manager should be in jail already, with a long list of theres going up the river with her.

  9. I remember the mid 1990's when all the farmers were being pushed off their farms by the banks, that they had lived on for generations and then it was all down hill from that point.

    How long has this been going on for and why where we so blind..??

    Now I find my family having problems caused by the NSW Guardianship Tribunal with my elderly Dad and I thought that it just happening in Australia, but after reading the NASGA blog the Americans are having the same problems too.

    I just can't understand what is going on and why the same things are happening everywhere or what to do to stop it.

  10. Whether its Westpac, The Australia and New Zealand Banking Corporation ( ANZ ), The National Australia Bank ( NAB ), The Commonwealth Bank ( CBA )or even the Bendigo Bank perhaps it is time for us to re-look at the possibly of Nationalizing the Banks and hitting the reset button before it is too late.

    There is no doubt that the only thing that the Banksters Fear is Regulation and now may be the time to make their worst fears become a reality, too big to fail hasn't worked and perhaps braking them up so there are not too many eggs in so fewer baskets might work (spreading the risk for the good of the Nation and Mankind).

    With the control of so much of the worlds economies, being concentrated in less and less hands a Global Economic Disaster is inevitable if left unchecked.

    The penalties against Bank Officers and Bank Management should be strengthened, with minimum monitory sentences of 25 years to Life in Prison, being the proper penalty for any Mass Bank Fraud as seems to have happened.

    Let us not allow them to have this kind of power ever again in the first place, all of the Banks have proven that they cannot be trusted with that amount of power (as history has demonstrated time and time again).

  11. Who can trust these banksters, they will do anything to cover-up for their staff...!!!

  12. Today Tonight Channel 7

    "Biggest Bank Fraud"

    Major warning for all HOME BUYERS
    The Aussie Families and Seniors drowning in a debt that they never wanted.

    One of the biggest case of alleged fraud in Victorian history involves a seven-year saga of serious allegations against the Commonwealth Bank, and suspected conmen who are currently at the centre of a two year police investigation over a $70 million Bank Fraud.

    The Commonwealth Bank was warned 7 years ago about this, but did NOTHING to stop it..!!!
