Thursday, November 7, 2013

Linda Kincaid Reports: Elder abuse at Senior Paradise: Isolation & possible chemical restaint

Margarita Zelada’s family tells of frightening elder abuse at Senior Paradise. The small assisted living facility is located in idyllic Del Rey Oaks, quiet town on the California coast in Monterey County. A charming facade hides licensing violations and criminal abuse.

Margarita is rarely allowed visitors or phone calls. When family is able to establish contact, they find Margarita has suffered a dramatic decline in mental and physical function.

On August 2, 2013, Margarita’s niece, retired Air Force Colonel Bonnie Lind, had traveled from her home in Texas to visit Margarita on Saturday and Sunday. Senior Paradise allowed Bonnie and Margarita just one hour together on Saturday.

Then Senior Paradise Administrator Margaret Eldred Camara sent Bonnie the following email denying the visit planned for Sunday.
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 18:13:08 -0700
Subject: postponed Sunday visit 
Hi Bonnie,
I think we are going to need to postponed the visit on Sunday to another day.
Margarita had a very upsetting day and it is best to postpone the visit.
If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer on her cell 831-594-6550
Thank you so very much for understanding
Senior Paradise did not respond to Bonnie’s requests for another visit.

Full Article and Source:
Elder abuse at Senior Paradise: Isolation & possible chemical restaint


  1. I first learned of chemical restraints many years ago when I found my father strapped to a chair and drugged. I removed him from the facility.

  2. What's happening to this lady is happening to so many. Thank you, Linda Kincaid, for your advocacy!

  3. Keep the spotlight on them, Linda

  4. Thank you Linda Kincaid for giving the silenced a voice – demanding this known tactic of punishment and torture end, STOP now.

    The pattern of ISOLATION as common procedure is epidemic a national pattern of operation.

    Isolation along with restricted visitation is abusive treatment of any human being.

    Isolation to a senior citizen is elder abuse causing harm and in some cases the loss of persons from their pre-guardianship life causes major depression and illnesses, leading to a miserable hopeless feeling about life.

    Many of our seniors are dying alone and afraid leaving this earth wondering why they were forgotten and abandoned.

    Do you think for one minute that the Guardian or Conservator tells the WARD why?

    Do you think for one minute that the ones in control of the WARD are truthful and honest?
