Wednesday, November 20, 2013

No One is Safe: Parents Say Hospital Kidnapped Their Daughter

Parents Say Hospital Kidnapped Their Daughter

See Also:
NASGA:  No one is safe!


  1. Hospitals are scary places. Remember what a hospital did recently to the Amish girl's family?

  2. If hospitals were held accountable for this, they'd stop doing it. The problem is they have too much power. I am sorry for this family.

  3. Be very afraid of hospitals; they often petition for guardianship.

  4. When you go to a doctor, don't leave your common sense at home!

  5. I feel so bad for this family and will pray for them.

  6. I am so offended by what the hospital did to this girl I can barely contain myself.

  7. Oh this is horrible!!! How the heck is this allowed to go on? They need a huge picket line in front of this hospital!

  8. You said it right, no one is safe. This is all so unnecessary and I hope the hospital will be held accountable.

  9. I agree that picketing is often the only solution to hospital problems. It is utterly ridiculous that a hospital and court system can interfere with the patient's rights and parent's rights. Justina is now 15 and if she wants to go home or change treatments, she should be given that option, but with many of these cases, the patient is isolated, no one will take them to court and the court won't listen to out of court testimony.
    Hospitals can be a huge source of guardianship problems due to the inherent conflict of interest in treatment, insurance payments and govt payments. It's sad.

  10. Beware of hospital social workers cooking the records the elderly are at high risk. For example, elder is admitted to ER for an injury that was not caused by others. APS is contacted as well as county, city elder abuse squads which in the proper circumstances has possibility of being the appropriate action.

    HOWEVER when the injured elder relates the same facts to those questioning the elder, of how the injury occurred due to elder's own actions and inactions but the elder is not believed the questioners begin badgering and tormenting the patient to fess up who did this to you?

    The elder is perceived as a liar.

    Now we have an elder abuse situation in a hospital setting by those who are supposed to be advocating and protecting the elder but they are looking for someone to blame for the entire matter.

    I am speaking from 1st person knowledge how a situation can go bad fast - all involved better have their eyes wide open.

    Beware and be aware.

  11. Very sad they are doing this to college kids and the schools get money from the federal government because now they have mental illness .........
