Thursday, November 14, 2013

Patient in So-Called “Vegetative State” Knew Doctors Were Dehydrating Him to Death

We dehydrate to death helpless people in this country because they have a catastrophic cognitive impairment. Advocates for dehydration say it is just medical ethics, the withdrawal of the medical treatment of tube feeding. (Now, there is even a lawsuit to compel starvation by withholding spoon feeding–not a medical treatment!)

Dehydrating helpless people to death was once unthinkable. Then, in the 80s, bioethicists began advocating withdrawing tube-supplied food and fluids. And so it came to pass.

Advocates for dehydration started by claiming it should be reserved strictly for those who are unconscious. They have, of course, broadened the dehydration caste since. But recent scientific studies have now also shown that many supposedly unconscious patients aren’t unaware at all.

And now we learn some are paying attention to their surroundings!  From the Cambridge University report:
A patient in a seemingly vegetative state, unable to move or speak, showed signs of attentive awareness that had not been detected before, a new study reveals. This patient was able to focus on words signalled by the experimenters as auditory targets as successfully as healthy individuals. If this ability can be developed consistently in certain patients who are vegetative, it could open the door to specialised devices in the future and enable them to interact with the outside world.
And get this:
These findings suggest that some patients in a vegetative or minimally conscious state might in fact be able to direct attention to the sounds in the world around them.
If this is true of other patients, imagine the horror of hearing doctors and family discussing removing your food and water. Imagine the pain of the actual event!

Actually, we know what that is like. Kate Adamson, thought mistakenly to be unconscious after a brain stem stroke, underwent abdominal surgery with inadequate anesthesia. She was then left unfed (but hydrated via drip) during the healing process–and it was more painful than the sensation of being cut open!

Full Article and Source:
Patient in So-Called “Vegetative State” Knew Doctors Were Dehydrating Him to Death


  1. Great article Wesley Smith. It happens everyday.

    Yet in my opinion those on public assistant getting the "free stuff" including food stamps whom do not contribute or has ever worked a day in their life get to be fed, clothed and sheltered to name a few that live off the system. They are worthy and people with severe disabilities or became disabled don't?

    What has our country become?

  2. Helen Fabis Wisconsin Victim died a prolonged horrible death from forced starvation and dehydration.

    All involved including the cover up of the homicide will be condemned by our Creator to the fires of HELL for Eternity.

  3. I hope there's a good advocacy group out there watching hospice. It's become too profitable.

  4. I can't think of a torture worse than being unable to express myself and knowing I am about to be terminated.
