Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Remembering the Wrongfully Isolated on This Holiday

As we do on every Christmas, we light a candle for those of our loved ones who have been wrongfully separated from us through guardianship and/or conservatorship abuse. NASGA remains firm is its resolve to make the growing barbaric practice of guardians isolating elderly or disabled persons from family, friends, clergy, and/or advocates (without court order) recognized and punished as the crime it is. 

 We so deeply appreciate your support and your efforts on behalf of the many victims of guardianship abuse and their families who have been attacked and suffer deeply from the nightmare of guardianship abuse.


  1. There's nothing worse than being separated from your loved one in need and knowing you can't stop the abuse.

  2. Separation is hard enough but when the isolation is forced - it's intentional elder abuse is a criminal act.

    We need to change business as usual - now.

  3. Indeed, It is the the most difficult, profoundly painful, and often nightmarish burden I must endure, to not have any contact with my loved one day after day. Every day I must fight the urge to call her because I know they won't allow me to speak with her. Also, because of a lie the guardian told to the police about me, I could be arrested if I try to make contact. I think the police believe me, but he said I should get a lawyer. I can't afford one at the moment, but most of my story with the necessary specifics is almost ready to take to I-Team News here in Pinellas County, FL. What these sub-human monsters have done, and continue to do, is as evil as mankind can stoop without conscience. The guardian, and her team of snakes are nothing but bullies! To me, it's no better than kicking a baby in the head, or skinning someone alive! They own the wards. They destroy, devour, and dissolve not only their lives, but also the lives of those who love them while they gleefully feast on their entire life savings, homes, and property, then spit out the victoms like gristle on a steak; nothing left! I truly believe it's the work of satan on many levels. It PROVES there is a devil when you look at it honestly. At the same time, it also reminds us all that God will be the final judge of their crimes in the end. May God bless us all who are victoms of this horrid ordeal, and give us strength to overcome any obstacles in our way, so that we may be rid of these atrocities soon, and forever. Isolation is the worst part of these abuses by far, and it proves everything else is all motivated by PURE GREED!!! The scam of the century...And it's all a giant farce, yet somehow legal because it's VERY EXPENSIVE to protect someone from all the loved ones they are isolated from so we don't get near their loot. Yet how could we? It's the guardian's loot now. - It all makes sense to me... Not!!! Thanks again for letting me vent everyone. It's Christmas, and I still miss my Beloved Patricia as deeply as the day APS and the police kidnapped her from her home 16 months ago. Someday, my prayer is we'll dance again... Happy Holidays to all of you.
