Monday, January 27, 2014

Linda Kincaid Reports: Elder Abuse: Monterey County Public Guardian Seeks Order for Chemical Restraint

The Monterey County Public Guardian is seeking authority to forcibly administer antipsychotic (psychotropic) medications to conservatee and elder abuse victim Margarita Zelada.   The FDA has repeatedly warned against administration of psychotropic medications to elderly patients.

Violation of Margarita’s rights is nothing new for the Monterey County Public Guardian. A request for chemical restraint is the latest in a series of violations of rights and denial of due process.
In March 2013, the Monterey County Public Guardian had Margarita forcibly removed from her daughter’s home in Pacific Grove, California. Witnesses reported that ten police officers stormed the house with guns drawn. They pulled Margarita from her bed, rolled her in a sheet, and strapped her to a gurney. A waiting ambulance took Margarita from her daughter’s home, never to be allowed to return.

Since March 2013, the Public Guardian allowed Margarita only three short visits with her daughter. During those visits, Margarita had strong words for her false imprisonment by the Public Guardian.
"The most important thing for any person is their liberty. I want my liberty. I am in prison.
They lie. They lie!
They are thieves and liars."
The Public Guardian responded to Margarita’s comments by terminating visitation with her daughter. The Public Guardian sought and obtained a court order to strip Margarita of her right to meet with elder rights advocates. The Public Guardian has denied Margarita all visitation since November 15, 2013.

The Public Guardian reports to the Monterey County Board of Supervisors. Readers may contact the Board at the following email addresses.

Monterey County Board of Supervisors
District 1: Fernando Armenta,
District 2: Louis R. Calcagno,
District 3: Simón Salinas,
District 4: Jane Parker,
District 5: Dave Potter,

Full Article and Source:
Elder Abuse :  Monterey County Public Guardian Seeks Order for Chemical Restraint


  1. This is awful! How are they getting away with this? I know it sounds like a crazy question in light of everything that is going on all over the country, but it appear now that they are legalizing murder of the elderly.

  2. My email to the Monterey county board of supervisors

    To: Monterey County Board of Supervisors
    Re: Chemical Restraint of Margarita Zelada

    I was shocked and appalled when I read the story about the kidnapping and imprisonment of Margarita Zelada by the Public Guardian. As if that in itself wasn’t bad enough, it was done in such a brutal and abusive and heinous manner. Just to remind you exactly what happened, I copied this excerpt from an article about her kidnapping.
    “Witnesses reported that ten police officers stormed the house with guns drawn. They pulled Margarita from her bed, rolled her in a sheet, and strapped her to a gurney. A waiting ambulance took Margarita from her daughter’s home, never to be allowed to return.”
    I cannot wrap my head around what is happening in our country and why. Can you? It happened to my mother; do you want it to happen to yours?
    The Public Guardian reports to you, the Monterey County Board of Supervisors. I am aware that you know about the abuse of the elderly in your county. My question to all of you is this; WHY are you allowing this to go on? Is this what you have been ordered to allow by your superiors or do you truly feel that other human beings do not matter, as long as it is not one of your family members?
    There are specific warnings against using psychotropic drugs on elderly people. Using them will likely result in their death. Is this what you want to happen to this poor helpless woman who is currently locked up against her will?
    My next question to each of you is this: Do any of you have mothers, fathers, grandparents, children, cousins, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, friends, partners, loved ones? Is there anyone in your life that matters to you at all? If so, would you want any of them to be abused like this? Are you all comfortable with your family, friends and loved ones knowing exactly what it is that you are responsible for? I don’t think so. I think you would be embarrassed if people knew what you were all part of.
    Please do the right thing and stop this madness and save this woman’s life and release her. We are all one, and understand that when you intentionally hurt anyone, the Universe will give back to you a hundredfold what you do to others.
    Diane Wilson
    NASGA member
    Daughter of Dorothy Wilson

  3. The public guardian seeks an order to force psychotropic drugs on this poor woman? Let us hope the judge has read the papers and watches the news and knows the danger of psychotropics.

  4. Obviously, the Monterey County Public Guardian has failed and continues to fail in their fiduciary duties to act in the best interests of Margarita Zelada. The Public Guardian has and blatantly continues to disregard California's Notice of Conservatee's Rights without consequences for their actions and inactions. Why?

  5. It is up to the Board of Supervisors to end the drug-driven deaths.
