Thursday, February 13, 2014

Outrageous financial exploitation of the elderly followed by an insidious insult to a dead victim!

Financial predators of the elderly wear different disguises.  This report focuses on Azzam Hijazi: a taxi driver, known as “The Cabbie You Don’t Want to Call.” 

As you watch this report of the exploitation of injured war Veteran Greg Richey, your blood will start boiling.

Be sure to watch the entire video because you won’t believe what happened to elderly and nearly blind victim,  Frances Jensen. It apparently wasn’t enough to “inherit” her entire estate.  What happened after she died is almost unimaginable and unbelievable!    Even then, her family was rendered powerless to help her. 

Outrageous financial exploitation of the elderly followed by an insidious insult to a dead victim!


  1. The problem is global, indeed, and it is up to government to end it!

  2. Taxi Driver Azzam Hijazi A.K.A Sam the Cab Driver has to represent one of the worst of the worst, when it comes to Serial Elderly Abusers and a Great Danger to the Disabled that I have ever seen.

    Even worse than the money being taken, too see any individual convert a Dying WWII Veterans Widows that had been a Devoted Catholic all of her life and them bury her as a Muslim and not in accordance with her faith and beside her War Hero Husband is beyond reprehensible.

    I verily believe that the victim did not know what she may have been signing and that she was probably also denied the "Last Rights"of the Catholic Church.

    This indeed is yet another debacle for New South Wales Premier Barry O'Farrell MP or for is embarrassing excuse for an Attorney General Greg Smith MP.

    Our Veterans their Widows and Families need to be protected, a point that has fallen of deaf ears with Politicians both here in the United States and Worldwide..!!

    Outstanding work NASGA, you are proving that this is both Global and that the United States must lead the world in stopping it NOW..!!

  3. The fire within me is raging. Heartbreaking and criminal if we the people let the predators continue in all walks of life those who prey on the vulnerable and elderly we are next. 100% guarantee the next generation Baby Boomers are prime targets for the cowards, the sociopaths with criminal minds. Step up and get involved.

  4. Oh my gosh, this is incredible. What a sadistic man.

  5. most times i am able to comment using control in words but today all control is gone my first thoughts are thank god above for the media this tv station reporter for their dedication to expose the dangers threats to society how this taxi driver azzam hijazi is still walking around hunting for prey is beyond comprehension he needs to be taken out of business more like taken down and permanently out of the living one way i have in mind would be to chain this cowardly criminal by his ankles to his cab and take him for the last ride of his criminal life i had to say it these incidents are clearly financial exploitation and add to that you can be certain there were underlying threats those who spoke are brave no doubt they fear this criminal for retaliation for speaking out

  6. This video boiled my blood for sure and I hope it goes viral. Is Azzam Hijazi in jail or could they not prove anything against the slimeball?

  7. I'm so upset, I can't see straight!

  8. This is a very sad story...thank you NASGA for sharing. The biggest difference between this story about an exploitative taxt drive and the stories were are all familiar with regarding guardianship abuse is that the guardianship abuse is sanctioned by the courts--the attorneys, judges, guardians, nursing home are benefitting due to corruption in the court system.

    The chances of this taxi driver getting busted seem to be greater than the chances of judges, attorneys, and guardians getting busted.

    Therein lies our challenge as family members of court-sanctioned guardianship abuse.

  9. How horrible, I hope that man goes to jail!! Justice needs to prevail, why is this man not in his own country taking advantage of his own people!

  10. I'm a fan of law enforcement but the cops are negligent knowing the cab driver is stealing significant amounts of money from elderly.

    Sightless elderly victim's case is horrific yet the crook Azzam Hijazi is out there picking up fares???

    I suggest bringing this video to 1st graders for their opinions which would be more reasonable and appropriate than the dragging _ss by the authorities every minute ticking by that this psychopath Hijazi is out there he is a danger to all of society has anyone tracked him to his residence?

    How the citizens are able to control their basic instincts to serve justice old west style is noted I doubt that I could stop myself from justice served Chicago style.

    Much credit to the reporter - I can only imagine the restraint he needed to continue with his reporting knowing his victims are unable to defend and protect themselves while the authorities are doing what? Enabling the criminal and where there is one evil cab driver there are others out there beware and be aware predators laying in wait.

  11. Definately financial exploitation!
    Sadly the protections from that is guardianship where the for profit guardians, and the court appointed attorneys commit the same acts of financial exploitation except it is legal because it happens with an order from a judge.

  12. I feel so sorry for this family. I'd think there was something they could do about him converting their mother (supposedly) to Islam. The letter was typewritten and she could see for crying out loud.

    It's tragic and horrifying.

  13. I can't imagine how these families feel. The financial exploitation is so very obvious and yet no one stops it?

  14. This is very much a case of "enough is never enough." Look at all the victims and the money this guy has gotten from them.........and he's still driving a cab?

  15. My heart is sick with sadness at the exploitation of our most vulnerable. Every where you turn there is a new story coming out. Why is our government and agencies who are designed to protect people not doing anything about this?

  16. Sickening. I hope the police throw the entire book at him.
