Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pet Charity Misleads Elderly Couple, Keeps Their Dog, Deciding They're "Elderly and Did Not Need the Dog"

Tonight, we're seeing for the first time an animal control report that shows the charity's director, Pennie Jekot,  misled the dog's owners from the beginning.

The report from PAWS in Murfreesboro shows Humane Alliance director  Pennie Jekot is keeping 21 dogs stacked in dog carriers at her neighborhood home against city codes including the missing Chihuahua, Buddy

Kim Chambliss doesn't want Buddy to live this way and  is part of a growing group of animal lovers trying to get Buddy back to his owners.

Freida Haddix, the dog's owner, says Jekot told her by phone, "In a real mean nasty voice, you're not getting Buddy back."

PAWS wouldn't interview, but their report shows Jekot  admitted she took Buddy temporarily to "house train" him, but, later decided the Haddix's were elderly and did not need the dog.

What makes this so unusual is its a pet charity  accused of taking Buddy the  dog.  Its owners say they simply called Humane Alliance of Rutherford County looking for a referral to someone who could help house train him.  They say the charity director claimed she could and she came over and took the dog.

Full Article and Source:
Buddy the Dog Found in Crate Stacked With...

See Also:
Facebook:  BringBuddyBackHome


  1. Ridiculous!

    The police should go to the charity and get Buddy NOW. What's holding them up?

  2. My heart breaks for the elderly owners of Buddy. Freida Haddix is Buddy's Mom. Talk about elder abuse and I agree with honeybear where are the authorities on this scam?

    And I have to admit I can't put into words for this comment that would not get posted here at NASGA use your imagination what I would do directly to the sadistic, Narcissistic, psycho PAWS Pennie Jekot she needs to go NOW with harsh consequences for her actions and inactions what is her motive and intent? How is life in a cage for Buddy a good thing? It isn't this is a no brainer children in 1st grade could see through this dang it the failure of law enforcement for their inactions. Society should storm the location and rescue the dogs who truly are being neglected and warehoused at her residence - KARMA Pennie Jekot my wish for you is you spend the rest of your miserable life as miserable x 100 as you are causing misery to others especially the elderly who won't have the time to recover and heal from this torment.

    "...PAWS in Murfreesboro shows Humane Alliance director Pennie Jekot is keeping 21 dogs stacked in dog carriers at her neighborhood home against city codes including the missing Chihuahua, Buddy...."

  3. It's bad enough that old people get taken advantage of without taking their pets away from them.

    I'm outraged!

  4. i agree with all the comments here i guess its a positive thing i don't live in the area cause i would be in jail right now for rescuing buddy and all the other dogs to be back with their rightful owners especially buddy back his with his mom and dad who are grieving i would be in a state of war all out attack on this psycho b_ _ ch pennie jekoti agree with sue here what the ____ is her motive and intent she doesn't have good intentions i am so po'd right now i can barely stand it damn you pennie jekoti to fires of hell for eternity with wishes for hell on earth when you face justice or a citizens rescue party pennie jekoti must be removed from her position post haste

  5. Cage the beast with two legs!

  6. Criminal charges should be filed against Pennie Jekot. Who does she think she is anyway?

    I feel sorry for her Momma.

  7. Stolen property by a scam artist a con artist yet the cops do nothing saying this is a civil matter to stolen property?

    Pleeeeeeeease say this isn't true!! I would camp out at the police station until the cops did what they are paid to do return stolen property to it's rightful owner and charge the thief what's so ***** hard to understand here???

    I have respect for law enforcement but with this group in this jurisdiction I have to reconsider that there are some lazy heartless cops who will not uphold the laws sorry officers but you get: F for this incident.

  8. Money is being collected to help the Haddix family with their legal fees to get Buddy returned. A new website has been set up to for information and with a direct donation link: http://www.bringbuddyhome.com. Or contributions may be made directly to the paypal account: BringBuddyHome2014@gmail.com.

  9. This is how I feel about guardianship abuse. Why is it people don't get this IRATE about human being treated the exact same way as these animals?

  10. What is wrong with this woman? Apparently, there needs to be oversight of humane orgs.

    Send Buddy home to his family!
