Thursday, February 20, 2014

Petition: "We the People" respectfully request that our elected Government Officers in Washington D.C., calls for an immediate full investigation in each criminal case exposed in this petition

The primary intent of this petition is to tell the elected powers in Washington D.C. that your rights have not been protected by your participation in the US legal system.

There are still many Americans who still are under the Illusion that we live in a free country and that the US legal system is fair, impartial and actually enforce the laws designed to protect the rights of the more vulnerable members of our society. (e.g., the 99%, the elderly and the disabled)  I can tell you from our personal experience being the victims of illegal preceding that if you cannot afford a lawyer who is not connected to the “dark side” of the US justice system. (i.e., lawyers/judges who focus on racking up legal fees for themselves and their colleagues, while they do not ensure that the rule of Due Process is adhered to in their courtrooms) a person can end up having a very unpleasant experience at the expense of the officers of the court who do not have their client’s best interests at heart.

SIGN the petition!