Sunday, February 16, 2014

Tonight on T.S. Radio: George Dahmer - "Chief White Owl" (WWF) Abuse and Neglect and Death

George Dahmer was better known to his fans as “Chief White Owl” one of the original wrestlers for the World Wrestling Federation (WWF).  George began his career in the 50‘s and continued long into the 70‘s with the Federation, as one of their most popular and loved celebrity wrestlers.   He finished his career in the early 80‘s.

In later years George developed senile dementia and was eventually admitted to Columbia Hospital for evaluation.  George was 72 years old.  

At the time of admittance to Lake Worth Manor, George was fully able to walk, talk, feed himself and take care of other personal needs.  

After several weeks in the home, George’s upper denture was missing, along with his shoes, clothes and other belongings.  The staff responded by putting someone else’s shoes on George, two sizes too small, causing blistering on his feet.

George was chemically restrained with off-label drugs which are prohibited for use on the elderly.

George's stay in Lake Worth Manor was 63 days. George was severely neglected at Lake Worth Manor. Florida Department of Children and Families -Elder Abuse was notified and so was the Ombudsman. Lake Worth was charged with Negligence and fined $5,000.00.

George lost all residents rights as a result of the complaint and as a form of retaliation for the complaint.

On April 30, 2008 George was transferred by ambulance to Heartland of Boynton Beach, Florida. The Staff cleaned him up and then reported the horrific news- dehydration, malnutrition, lost 32 pounds in 8 weeks, decubitus ulcers on both heels of his feet and tailbone; stage 4. Both rotary caps turned in both shoulders.

George Dahmer passed away at 3:16 pm on May 23,2008.5:00 pm PST
6:00 pm MST7:00 pm CST8:00 pm EST

LISTEN TO THE SHOW LIVE or listen to the archive later

1 comment:

  1. Criminal yet what actions were taken?

    1st degree homicide motive and intent death by dehydration and starvation is horrific painful this facility should have been emptied of residents then take down the entire facility with a wrecking ball.

    All involved those who knew deserve the harshest punishment life sentence in a prison cage.

    I hope this is a warning to others what goes on behind closed doors state agencies are ineffective so if you think there are protections - you are DEAD wrong.

    Step up and get involved or your children will be reading YOUR story on NASGA blog where the important news is compiled.

    Deep appreciation to advocates who will not bury the case with the victim - thank you for your sacrifices and thank you Marti Oakley TS Radio for all you are doing for society.
