Sunday, March 16, 2014

Michelle Graves: Power of Money - Elder Financial Abuse (With NASGA Affiliate, Tom Fields)

Elder Financial Abuse is fast approaching epidemic levels as an aging population finds itself vulnerable to internet predators, scam artists, family members and friends. On Part 1, two recognized experts in this area, Craig Matthews, Esquire and Tom Fields, Ohio Director of National Association to End Elder Financial Abuse discuss some of the challenges facing seniors today. A must watch!

Power of Money - Elder Financial Abuse

See Also:
NASGA:  Irving Lincoln Fields, Ohio Victim


  1. Thank you, Tom Fields, for being so active and determined.

  2. Thank you, Tom. I hope this program got a wide audience. People need to know and they need to know ahead of the event.

  3. Exceptional! Progress!

    Thank you Tom Fields for years of dedication to expose the dark side. Awareness is #1 key issue to warn society bringing attention to the predators with motive and intent for profit.

  4. The scene in the hospital is SO ******* disturbing I want to put that lawyer in the hospital bed and there he is holding the hand of the woman who is weak, vulnerable and frail. The expressions on the vultures speaks volumes all they see is $$$$ and the source of that $$$$ with no interest in her well being.

    I wish the predators including the lawyer the same ending X 100 of pain and misery an eye for an eye I hope you are condemned to the fires of hell for eternity.

  5. I liked Craig Mathews a lot too. Good to see a lawyer care!

  6. I wish this show shocked me, but it didn't. I'm just so thankful Michelle Graves did this show and for the two guests.

    Thank you for posting, NASGA.

  7. Thank you for posting this video, NASGA. It was pretty long, but well worth the watch. I can't wait for part 2.
