Thursday, April 17, 2014

Congratulations ABC Action News I-Team and Adam Walser!

The Society of Professional Journalists gladly recognizes the recipients of the Sigma Delta Chi Awards,  which recognize exceptional professional journalism produced in 2013.

Judges selected 85 honorees from nearly 1,800 submissions. Entries included selections from television and radio broadcasts, newspapers, online news outlets and magazines:

Investigative Reporting (Large-Market Station: 1-50 market)
Incapacitated: Florida's Guardianship Program — Adam Walser, Fran Gilpin, Randy Wright & Doug Iten, WFTS-TV

Announcing the 2013 Sigma Delta Chi Award winners

See Award Winning Report!


  1. Best news I've heard today!

  2. Woooooohoooooooo I Team!!!

  3. Investigative Reporter Adam Walser and the ABC I Team has the courage and dedication to go where a parade of reporters won't go. Adam is an asset to society educating the good people of Florida and the nation what is waiting for them and those they love in their family. Job well done! and Thank you thank you thank you.

  4. You guys really deserve this award. Congratulations and thank you.

  5. I saw these reports and they were great. Because of these reports, legislation was introduced to start reform in FL. That's the icing on the cake.

  6. Congratulations to ABC Action News and Investigative Reporter Adam Walser! May we see more mainstream media coverage in all states where our loved ones are kidnapped by ruthless lawyers, guardians, court systems, government agencies, medical doctors, etc.

    I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
