Saturday, May 17, 2014

Fraudulent "Guardianship" in Matrimonial Action Ends in Unlawful Eviction of Wife

The matrimonial case in which an unlawful "guardianship" appeared to be fraudulently  imposed, ended in eviction, and the court refused to sign an order to show cause to stop it, which order was based on the judge's unauthorized "ultra vires" action, which, as a matter of law makes the order void..

The eviction was postponed until Monday at 10am.

For location and more details, see:
"Go to a Homeless Shelter," Judge Tells Wife About to be Evicted From Marital Residence, Based on a Fraudulent and Unlawful "Guardianship.

By Ima Reformer


  1. Very sad. So what happens now?

  2. Misusing and abusing the court system for a fraudulent guardianship by a spouse to take control of the marital property is outrageous, yet with a court order anything is possible but how did this happen?

    We need to look at the person who is using the court to approve of this scheme - let's see hmmmm who might that be?

    The JUDGE? Who else is putting his stamp of approval on this? Court Order? Who is running the courtroom? the lawyers for the husband? Lawyers draft up the orders for the judge to sign making the order enforceable. When you think you heard it all think again what we don't know. I hope there is a just solution for the spouse who is the subject of out of control court.

  3. Well said, Sue.
    The sick system is out of control.
    Judges think they have a weak victim who can't get help, they knowingly violate the law, to hand control over to the other side, and they scare the honest lawyers away.

  4. Exactly, Thelma.

    And all of this behavior is rooted in the ancient misconception that illness, disability, old age result from character flaws, which must be punished.

    So the judge who routinely sentences actual miscreants to jail confuses the court's helping role in guardianship cases, and "sentences" the guardianship victims to eviction, to patient-dumping in shocking conditions, to forfeiture of all their assets to unethical, in-cahoots "elder law" attorneys, to almost certain injury and death.

    And then these well-connected, ostensibly reputable, unethical lawyers go off to lunch together and have a good laugh. And come back tomorrow, rinse and repeat.

  5. That happened in my case. Mine was not "Matrimonial" but the only son and his sleezy attorney who deprived me of the control over my own safeguard the inheritance, my son thinks, is his.
    All with the Probate and Circuit Courts approval...
    Yet, I have a Judgment from the same court, which registers my assets as under my sole ownership since 2002....eb
