Thursday, May 1, 2014

Oregon State Bar seeks non-lawyers for panels

 PORTLAND, Ore. -The Oregon State Bar is seeking public (i.e., non-lawyer) members for its Board of Governors, and several other committees and boards.

“As a public member, I strive to provide a bridge to the larger community that informs the critical work of the state bar,” said Audrey Matsumonji. “The issues, the people, and the work of this committee are both fascinating and impactful.”

Past public members on OSB committees have included leaders from the education, management, financial, law enforcement, business and medical professions. Applicants often express a personal interest in a strong and vital statewide judicial system.

 The OSB regulates the practice of law in Oregon, and provides numerous public services to enhance the state’s justice system, and to help the public understand and access the system.

Opportunities include one Board of Governors (BOG) position, as well as numerous other appointments to groups working on OSB governance and lawyer discipline.

Additionally, there are positions open on groups that work on issues such as increasing racial and ethnic minority participation in the legal profession, fee arbitration, professionalism in the legal community, work/life balance and legal services for the poor.

Application forms, due Thursday, July 3, and details about open positions are available at, or at (503) 431-6426, or (800) 452-8260, ext. 426. The OSB is committed to serving and valuing its diverse population and ensuring that bar groups reflect the diversity of the membership and the community. Questions can be emailed to  

Full Article & Source:
Oregon State Bar seeks non-lawyers for panels


  1. Sounds right.
    Wonder if it will be allowed to work?

  2. Non-lawyers are needed to balance the panel.

  3. When was this posted? When did this happen?..
    I live in Oregon and are very much interested in the "Fraternity" regarding Bench and Bar. eb
