Friday, May 23, 2014

Patricia Conklin, Daughter of Margarita Zelada, Addresses Monterey County Board of Supervisors

Patricia Conklin implores the Monterey County Board of Supervisors to protect her mother, Margarita Zelada, from elder abuse by the Public Guardian. Margarita has been imprisoned and isolated since March 2013. The Public Guardian is seeking authority for forcible chemical restraint.

Patricia Conklin at Monterey County Board of Supervisors


  1. Bravo, Patricia! People are continuing to speak up about the abuse of our loved ones under court appointed guardian, guardian ad litums, and guardians of the estates with harm to our families across the board. Placing our loved ones in nursing homes and forcefully drugging them is a crime knowing full well with all the medical evidence that this causes more medical problems and even death. Even some insurance companies are involved in these crimes against humanity.

  2. Patricia did do good. Now, was the Monterey County Board of Supervisors listening?

  3. Forcible restraint would be unnecessary if Margarita Zelada had a voice in her care including open visitation with her daughter Patricia.

    I'll say it again, if you don't like what you are reading and seeing do something about it or your child's video will be posted to NASGA blog.

    It's your choice ~~~ your decision.

  4. as usual,WHERE ARE THE LAWSUITS ? these subhumans HAVE NO IMMUNITY and individuals' rights are DENIED.
    now do NOT bother to rant back abot the COSTS of a federal lawsuit--have YOU even investigated this ? LOL. it's no where near the SCATOLOGY told to YOU by a member of the legal cartel.
    and being THEY ARE a cartel,and UNCONCERNED,why BOTHER WITH THEM ?
    I am directing all to American Family Rights which deals with CPS--do NOT think for one milisecond that a PROBATE HEARING DIFFERS.
    Probate's even BETTER as WE deal directly with these corrupt POS AALs and GALs,THEIR judges etc.
    Contrary to THEIR BS,they are NOT IMMUNE.
    I am directing YOU to how to fight CPS page--simply SUBSTITUTE probate court--it's ALL THE SAME VIOLATIONS under the USC.

    this website IS jammed up with accurate information,so start from there and then click on the icon AFRA in the upper left hand side for more--but for ALL LIBELED in these hearings--get the TRUTH ON RECORD 1st--and expect fallout from them but be aware that EXACTLY like the author of that article STATES-that affadavit WILL SERVE YOU FOREVER and by sending it out certified/retrn receipt YOU HAVE ALSO SERVED THEM and put them on notice that YOU PERSOANLLY ARE NOT TAKING ANYMORE CRAP FROM THEM AND THEIR TRUMPED UP BS CHARGES and fabrications and THAT legal actions AGAINST THEM INDIVIDUALLY WILL FOLLOW but NOT in one of THEIR civil courts either--we're starting from the top.
    BUT of course play the game notifying your state bar assoc,civil rightsd,DOJ on and on and keep a record of all correspondence but get your act together,type out the complaint--SUMMONS THEM and the FILE-
