Saturday, June 21, 2014

Daughter Appointed Temporary Guardian of Iowa Representative Rayhons' Wife

Judge Colleen Weiland has ordered the daughter of State Rep. Henry Rayhons' wife, Donna Lou Rayhons, to be her mother's temporary guardian.

Weiland issued the order in Hancock County District Court Tuesday.

Suzan Brunes of Klemme will be Donna Lou Rayhons' temporary guardian. Donna Lou Rayhons is a resident of Concord Care Center in Garner.

Henry Rayhons, 78,  has been a state representative since 1997. He's been married to Donna Lou Rayhons since 2007, according to court records.

The parties also said they were working on a stipulation concerning other issues about visiting Donna Lou Rayhons which would be presented to the court at a later date, Weiland's order said.

Brunes said her mother has Alzheimer's disease.

"...certain issues have arisen while (Donna Rayhons) has been a resident of Concord Care Center including, but not limited to issues between her spouse (Henry Rayhons) and her other family members, but also between her spouse and the staff at Concord Care Center," Brunes said in her application.

Brunes said Henry Rayhons has difficulty following parameters set by Concord Care staff about removal of Donna Rayhons from the care center without staff permission, being in her room with the door closed, and not entering Donna Rayhons' room because of alleged conflicts with her roommate.
The problems caused by the situation has caused her mother's mental health to deteriorate, Brunes said in her application.

A final hearing on the appointment of a guardian and conservator is set for 11:30 a.m. Aug. 12.

Full Article and Source:
Daughter Appointed Temporary Guardian of Iowa Representative Rayhons' Wife


  1. Paramaters set by staff? Very unfair to families. Why?

  2. I'm glad it's the daughter instead of a third party.

  3. What if parameters are needed to keep the person safe? Read between the lines in the article - sounds like they are trying to help her not hurt her

  4. There is much more to this news article. I do know facilities will go along with the guardianship team to protect themselves from future litigation.

    And the person being 'protected' will not be testifying, will she?

    All allegations are based on hearsay.

    Show me the proof show me a video how the wife is being affected by her husband's presence in her room. I see where this is going I can only hope this guardianship is in good faith. And remember almost all or all temporary guardianship cases end up in permanent guardianship. I can see where the husband will be banned from contact with his wife.

    I would like to know who has Power of Attorney?


    Brunes said her mother has Alzheimer's disease.

    "...certain issues have arisen while (Donna Rayhons) has been a resident of Concord Care Center including, but not limited to issues between her spouse (Henry Rayhons) and her other family members, but also between her spouse and the staff at Concord Care Center," Brunes said in her application.

    Brunes said Henry Rayhons has difficulty following parameters set by Concord Care staff about removal of Donna Rayhons from the care center without staff permission, being in her room with the door closed, and not entering Donna Rayhons' room because of alleged conflicts with her roommate.

    The problems caused by the situation has caused her mother's mental health to deteriorate, Brunes said in her application.

  5. My dad is at that same place. I did not know his name but sure recognize his face. This man is loud aggressive and mean to staff and other residents. I have personally seen him raise such a stink that his wife is in tears and other families are leaving the area.

    I would not want him close to Dad and feel so sorry for her and the staff trying to care for her

  6. There likely is more to this story than what is being told, there are other factors usually motivating the parties as I have seen in the past these factors can be jealousy and financial but to restricts a spouse from seeing his wife because of hearsay is a form of elder abuse and is just plain hurtful and I feel that in the end Karma with prevail.

  7. In response to the above comment that is anonymous and stating that dad is in the same place and has seen the loud and rude behavior, they must be in another galaxy because we too have seen him and this is the total opposite of his actions, maybe if staff paid more attention to the needs of the residents versus the facility trying to maximize their profits with least amount of services all the residents and families would be more happy.. Don't judge someone when you have not been in their shoes..

  8. So if everyone on here is "Anonymous"...... are you all the same person????

  9. I don't think so, Ben. It's a choice of the commenter.

  10. I am a reporter working on a story about this case. If either "anonymous" poster wants to contact me, they can do so at Thank you.
