Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness: Denied in San Bernadino County

An elderly woman with Alzheimer's disease was taken from her home, imprisoned, and isolated at an assisted living facility. A step-granddaughter seized the entire estate. Sheriff's deputies aided and abetted the crimes. Social services agencies ignored the abuse. California Assembly Bill AB 937 (2013) was passed in response to the unlawful isolation.

Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness: Denied in San Bernadino County

See Also:
Carol Hahn, California Victim


  1. Good video and it tugs at the heart.

  2. Thank you for posting, NASGA. There are many of these cases in California and I am glad to see one documented.

  3. Thank you for posting, NASGA. There are many of these cases in California and I am glad to see one documented.

  4. Isolation should be a crime. I'm sorry your mother suffered and no one could help her.

  5. I am glad you found a way to give your mother a legacy. Good for you. She had herself a good daughter.

  6. Linda Kincaid is Carol Hahn's voice. Applause to Assemblyman Wieckowski for his hard work and efforts resulting in AB937.

    Isolation is inhumane cruel treatment that is routinely used as punishment most often as retaliation by the controlling party.

    The bond of family is a birthright: a particular right of possession or privilege one has from birth; a natural or moral right, possessed by everyone.

    The bond of family was not given to us by the government.
