Friday, August 15, 2014

Four Reasons Why States Need to Stop Inspecting Nursing Homes

John O'Connor
For as anyone who runs a facility in more than one state can tell you, the one thing that is consistent about the current survey process is its inconsistency.

That reality can be traced to a number of factors. But none help create mayhem more than this: Each state is in charge of inspecting the skilled care facilities within its borders. There are many reasons why it would be far better for the federal government to take over this responsibility.

Here are four:
1. More uniform surveyor training
By putting Uncle Sam in charge of training surveyors, we could ensure that the people being taught how to inspect facilities would receive identical training. That's hardly the case now. Unfortunately, when surveyors aren't properly trained, the result can be absolute chaos, as we just saw in Ohio.

2. More consistent inspections
Is a cracked egg cause for an immediate jeopardy citation? It depends. If you are in New Jersey it might be, but in Florida it might not. Why? Because state inspectors tend to show distinct patterns when it comes to the sorts of problems they tend to look for, or ignore.

3. Fewer delays between surveys
Surveys are supposed to happen every 15 months, at a minimum. That they don't has less to do with the element of surprise than the fact that many states are broke. States are sort of like people when it comes to spending: When funds are low or gone, items deemed non-essential tend to get put on hold.

As a practical matter, nursing home inspections routinely take a back seat to more pressing concerns when state coffers dry up. One result is that the time between surveys can dramatically increase. With all due respect, a lot of bad things can happen in a poorly run facility that hasn't been inspected in a few years.

4. Better care would result
This may be listed as the fourth item, but it's really the best reason of them all. Uniformly trained surveyors who consistently apply the rules are one of the best gifts our federal government can give the million-plus people who rely on skilled care facilities each year.

Full Article and Source:
Four Reasons Why States Need to Stop Inspecting Nursing Homes


  1. No. The feds can't - won't do it - even though they are responsible for protecting their citizens.

  2. I agree, Thelma. The feds won't do it.
