Sunday, August 24, 2014

Iowa: GOP Rep, Henry Rayhons, Arrested for Having Sex With Mentally Incapacitated Wife

Iowa state representative Henry Rayhons, a Republican, was  arrested for having sex with his mentally incapacitated wife after a judge instructed him not to.  Police told the Des Moines Register  that Rayhons "abused his wife in May at the nursing home where she lived." Donna Rayhons suffered from Alzheimer's disease, and she died earlier this month.
Rayhons' son, Dale, has called his father's arrest a "witch hunt." But according to Donna's nursing home roommate, Rayhons did go "into his wife's room and pulled the curtain closed" on May 23, a week after he acknowledged to a judge that his wife could no longer consent to sex. The roommate told cops she heard "noises indicating Henry Rayhons was having sex with Donna Rayhons" after that. Surveillance video caught Rayhons disposing of undergarments into a laundry bag when he left the room.
Spousal rape has been illegal in Iowa for 25 years, but Elizabeth Barnhill, executive director of the Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault, told the Register that convictions are rare. Rayhons already abandoned his run for re-election earlier this month. As of now, he's not giving up his seat.

GOP Rep Arrested for Having Sex With Mentally Incapacitated Wife


  1. Poor guy! Couldn't get any outside?

  2. I think I'm with you on this, Thelma. It shows his selfishness.

  3. This is so scary. It makes me so mad, I want to punch someones lights out. The morals of the people, the justest system, evil is working his way on and trying to bring us down, " Justice For All", it is slipping through our hands. Know who you put in office. Do a research study and find out about the moral values of each person yourself. It is up to us to turn this around. Janet
