Saturday, August 23, 2014

Judge Releases Revised Financial Records

Lorain County Common Pleas Judge James Burge has corrected his annual financial disclosure statements, which he acknowledged last week contained numerous errors.

In documents mailed to the Ohio Supreme Court’s Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline, Burge acknowledged 43 separate mistakes he said he made in filling out the forms for the years 2007 through 2013.

Burge said he went back through his disclosure statements after a review by The Chronicle-Telegram showed there was inaccurate information about his family’s connections to Whiteacre North Ltd., which owns a Lorain office building at 600 Broadway.

The judge called the incorrect information he filed mistakes.

“I had the same problem that I had putting together my children’s Christmas toys; I don’t read directions well,” Burge said.

Failure to properly fill out the financial disclosure statements, which are designed to reveal possible conflicts of interest, can open up a judge to possible misdemeanor criminal charges and ethics violations.

Full Article and Source:
Judge Releases Revised Financial Records


  1. The judge's excuse is "I don’t read directions well"? Well, I don't read the law well, which is how I was suckered by the courts into allowing myself to be unlawfully "sequestered" as a witness from the trial which was held to judge the complaint that I initiated as a result of my father's condition being exploited just hours before he died of cancer, while on a morphine drip and under a Do Not Resuscitate order. And when I realized that I had been so suckered, and I read the law and understood it, I looked to the court to remedy its "mistake". If judges are going to refuse remedying this kind of "mistake", as they did in my case, then I sure as **** hope this judge pays for his 43 mistakes. Judges should be held to the very highest standard ...

  2. Can't read directions well?
    How did he get through law school?

  3. What narcissism.

    "I'm a judge. The law doesn't apply to MMEEEEEE!!!"

  4. A pitiful excuse for a judge.
