Sunday, August 3, 2014

Korean, Vietnam War Vet Inside VA System Held Against His Will

Norman Hughes Jr., 81, is a Korean and Vietnam War veteran who’s currently paying $7,000 per month to live in the Kirby Pines Retirement Home in Memphis even though he told The Daily Caller he wants to live with a caretaker named Debbie McCoy — at her home paying $2,700 per month — where she has run a VA-certified living assistance facility for fifteen years with no complaints until this case.

“I need somebody to help me get out of here,” said Hughes from his room.

In late 2012, Hughes was living with McCoy when he decided to remove his cousin, Mary Ann Phillips, from a bank account he held with nearly $150,000 in it because of a pattern of unpaid bills and missing money.

According to interviews with Hughes, his son Bernard, granddaughter Cavita, ex-wife Doris Jones, and McCoy, Phillips was enraged by the move and approached the VA with a series of unsubstantiated charges which were filed formally on December 29, 2012.

Philips claimed that Hughes was unshaven and dirty, that his room was a mess, and that he had developed a bed sore at McCoy’s home.

But Bernard and Cavita Hughes said they both visited Hughes regularly during this time period and would have noticed if it wasn’t clean and safe.

In early 2013, Norman Hughes went to the Memphis VA to get treated for a form of neuropathy. While in the hospital, Phillips told him he needed to take some tests with another doctor.

Phillips took Hughes to see Dr. Felicie Wyatt, who specialized in internal  and geriatric medicine, telling him he needed routine tests.

Instead, Dr. Wyatt tested Hughes for his mental competency.

Hughes, his son, and McCoy all insist he was tricked into seeing this doctor.

Buoyed by Dr. Wyatt’s competency determination, Phillips and the VA maneuvered the case into probate court where Memphis attorney Keith Dobbs was appointed VA guardian — he named Phillips conservator.

According to court records, Dobbs has been receiving 7% of Hughes monthly retirement income for more than a year.

Full Article and Source:
Korean, Vietnam War Vet Inside VA System Held Against His Will

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  1. So how is the estate being conserved?

  2. In my opinion Norman Hughes a Veteran is another victim of the protection industry for profit and/or job security. Another innocent US citizen churned into a product to feed the probate machine. I am especially offended and it's so obvious that there are two different conclusions by physicians one in particular who knows Mr. Hughes and a stranger appointed by the court. The court goes along with and accepts the evaluation that they expect that's called: doctor shopping. This doctor will get paid and appointed again and again by the court. Is anyone tracking how many cases this 2nd doctor has his tracks in other cases?

    And did this court appointed doctor ever find a respondent in a petition for guardianship had capacity and the petition was denied?

    Evaluations put the fear of God into the Respondents and I don't think Mr. Hughes needs to have a conservator or guardian of person and estate to help him with his medications.

    And with his meds, how many meds is he prescribed? and when? how many? Let's get down to the nitty gritty of these evaluations. Mr. Hughes was receiving care, he was satisfied and happy. I want proof of the allegations by the petitioning complaining party - enough is enough of the same old pattern in the rush to establish a case. Mr. Norman Hughes Jr. is a Veteran of two wars, two conflicts whatever our government is calling sending citizens who enlisted or were drafted into a combat zone to kill the enemy is war. Our Veteran's earned and deserve our help when they put their lives on the line for us.

    Many thanks to The Daily Caller and Michael Volpe for coming to the assistance of Mr. Hughes shining the bright lights on the dark side of the protection industry.

  3. They are using this Veteran as a cash cow.

  4. I feel so sorry for this man, I could cry. And then I think of the lawyers lining up to get their fees paid and I get mad all over again.

  5. Court appointed:

    99% of the time, GAL's (Guardian Ad Litem) are part of Team Guardianship along with doctor shopping to get the evaluation they need to establish a case.

    GAL's are part of the national problem, their intent is in their financial best interests, to assist to establish a case asap to ensure all billing will be AUTO APPROVED by the judges the feeding frenzy is underway.

    Being declared a ward of the state is: A life sentence.

    "...Because of the complexity of the situation, James Bingham was appointed as guardian ad litem — an individual appointed by the court to represent the interests of children, the mentally ill, or disabled persons. Bingham dismissed Dr. Burns opinion and sided with Dr. Wyatt.."

    And, the fraud on the courts, the seriousness of emergency hearings, fraudulent petitions, false information to the court has been overlooked. Allegations without proof is acceptable business as usual to the courts:

    "...According to interviews with Hughes, his son Bernard, granddaughter Cavita, ex-wife Doris Jones, and McCoy, Phillips was enraged by the move and approached the VA with a series of unsubstantiated charges which were filed formally on December 29, 2012.

    Philips claimed that Hughes was unshaven and dirty, that his room was a mess, and that he had developed a bed sore at McCoy’s home.

    But Bernard and Cavita Hughes said they both visited Hughes regularly during this time period and would have noticed if it wasn’t clean and safe...."

    Standing Ovation & Applause to The Daily Caller and reporter Michael Volpe for shining bright lights on the dark side of the protection industry, for giving Norman Hughes Jr. a Korean and Vietnam War veteran and his family a voice in the news.

    How many Norman Hughes are there? Publicity and public pressure is the only way to change business as usual and remember the Baby Boomers are next.

  6. NASGA Member Susan HarmonSunday, August 03, 2014 10:37:00 AM

    I just saw this article and video on Face Book and I had to comment in public if not now when?

    Thank God above for reporters who have the courage to take these cases on. And, let's not forget the news agency The Daily Caller that gives the ok to publish these articles. Countless stories were killed on the vine before publication enabling the abuses to continue in darkness. I agree with helensniece public pressure is needed to force change or you're looking in the mirror at your futures, your parents futures think valid Durable Power of Attorney will protect you? NOT.

    We're all walking $

    I am so outraged I can barely stand it. I'm so thankful to NASGA for their volunteerism to give us the information we want and need. I hope Mr. Volpe reads my comment here if you do: thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  7. Great reporting! This reporter leaves the reader with no doubt that Norman is being abused. Thank you for posting NASGA.

  8. Norman Hughes is a prisoner of war in the USA btw are public funds being used here? This is war. We the People vs Probate Court a.k.a. the Probate Cartel. US citizens aren't aware of the real threat to our pursuit of happiness and well being their civil rights, their constitutional rights, their homes, their possessions, their income and all of their life savings are at risk for seizure of innocent persons before the ink is dry. Who are the real terrorists? Shame shame shame on you for causing a veteran grief and misery in the last years of his life. KARMA baby x 1,000,000.

  9. Another example of the national pattern of operation in their rush to establish a case to ensure billing will be approved.

    Another example of a life sentence step by step account by Michael Volpe how our Veteran's are having their human rights stripped away while paying for the loss of their rights.

    Excellent reporting by Michael Volpe - thank you for your hard work and efforts! and the Daily Caller for publishing about the dark side of guardianships and conservatorships.

  10. I am so disgusted and upset. How can we allow Veterans to be treated this way?

  11. bad enough when these vultures snare an innocent citizen but when a veteran falls to this bunch my bp goes through the roof i dare not write what I'm thinking 'cause the good people at nasga would be forced to reject my comment so use your imagination on the names i would like to add to my comment worded using extreme caution my computer screen is steamed up that reporter Michael did a heck of a job laying it all out the scheming is hot n heavy we love and need eyes on the courtroom vultures who run the courtroom the judges mostly go along with the gang so what's in it for themselves? you be the judge and jury on this

  12. As an American I have my head hanging in shame and disgust.

    I do not want Veteran Norman Hughes Jr. to be upset and afraid of his future.

    How do we rescue him from his captors?

    Is there a way?

    I'm thinking that the only route is what others are forced into retaining a lawyer to battle in court, while captors use the wards money to fight the rescuers - does this make sense to anyone?

    Thank you Veteran Hughes thank you for your service to our country.

  13. I am so tired of the greedy taking advantage of the helpless and especially when it involves the courtroom running in high gear. Feed the lawyers. That's what it's about.

  14. Our courts are not based on justice, in fact they're based on greed and money. This is why anyone with money in the bank is a target for dishonest lawyers who steal from the disabled, elderly and anyone who they can target. The judges, bar and even police stand by doing nothing while these crimes take place. Its as bad as Child abuse, but done by rich lawyers in suits who drive expensive cars. People who have no ethics of morals. The scum of the world

  15. All in the gang will be hiding and screaming I M M U N I T Y

    Crooks and liars under color of law I'm so glad the press is involved here eyes on the crooks and liars will make a positive difference thank you for reporting and for caring.

  16. Another sad story and I am so sad to see another Veteran being preyed upon by the vultures. My deep respect to this reporter and my prayers to Mr. Hughes.

  17. This country resurrected and has refined Gestapo justice in the probate courts. More reporting like this is needed because the public just doesn't get it.

  18. I saw this on Facebook and am glad to see it being shared over and over. These are the kinds of articles we hope for every day and I hope the spotlight continues to shine on Mr. Hughes until he gets out of that place and his guardian is held accountable for dissipating his estate.

  19. Thank you for all the nice comments about the article, and I did read them.

  20. Has anyone filed on the Drs license? Without informed consent, it might be deemed a battery

  21. This article was well done and I know it gives Norman hope. This kind of abuse continues because people don't know about it. Thanks to stories like this, people are getting a fast education.

  22. Denial of the vet's wishes + higher cost of living arrangements = fraud.

    This video, featuring insiders, is found elsewhere on the website, but can't be repeated enough. It explains the problem very well.

  23. No one should ever loose all their rights! This country is all about Freedom, yet the courts are taking that away. Thank you Daily Caller for reporting this story.

  24. My thanks to the Reporter for bringing this story to light. Another case of thousands upon thousands of adult abuses and the 'patient' never being heard in a court.


  25. Saw the video, and what it tells us is that child guardianships have led to adult guardianships and are rapidly destroying the American family - to satisfy greedy individuals, who use the courts to create and grow an unlawful industry.

  26. Mike Volpe rocks thanks so much for reporting a newsworthy article exposing the mystery of guardianship the dirty secrets. Nice to know you read the comments here wishing you much success reporting topics that main stream media needs to address the time is now.

  27. My name is Cavita Hughes. I am Norman Hughes' grandaughter. While this article is very well written, there is no way to compress 6+yrs of fighting with attorneys, the VA, elderly facilities,and the courts into such a space. I thank you none the less Mr. Volpe. It is very disheartening that there are countless elderly, which includes veterans, going through these exact circumstances. It is a machine with very sharp teeth. It chews up and spits out anyone who is unlucky enough to get caught in its snare. Im not even certain why im commenting here other than it being an outlet, because there has been no true assistance(legally) to be found anywhere. I dont know what difference it will make. I do appreciate you using your talents to shed light on the matter, nonetheless.

  28. The VA seems to be working hand in hand with the lawyers and the courts to strip good but wealthy individuals of their rights so they can separate them from their money. Since the courts are part of the illegal game, the only way we can stop this is through publicity such as this article. Thanks to Mr. Volpe for writing this article. We need more like him.
