Thursday, August 21, 2014

UAGPPJA: 39 States and Counting

When enacted, UAGPPJA does four simple things to protect older people and their family caregivers:

     1. It outlines a set of rules for transferring guardianship from one state to another.
     2. It allows states to recognize and register guardianship orders from other states.
     3. It creates a clear process for determining jurisdiction by designating the “home state.”
     4. It protects older people against abuse and exploitation because the guardianship order is registered in other states.

While every situation is different, the fact is: Caregiving situations change. And caring for our loved ones across state lines should be consistent when it comes to law.

AARP will continue to fight until UAGPPJA becomes law in every state to ensure that older people and their family caregivers — especially those who provide care across state lines — have the protection they deserve.

Full Article and Source:
39 States and Counting - Caregiving Across State Lines


  1. In Florida the vulnerable that are under guardianship need protection from their for profit guardians. Many are being isolated for no reason, drugged and everything is taken from them. This is a DISGRACE ! This is ABUSE!

  2. I wonder if any guardianship case has had a positive result because of UAGPPJA.

  3. There goes any possibility of escaping guardianship by fleeing to another state. . .
