Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Linda Kincaid Reports: Elder abuse by Scott Phipps: Victim denied contact with advocate Diane Wilson

Elder rights advocates across the country are watching the unfolding case of elder abuse by Oakland, California conservator Scott Phipps of Phisco Fiduciary. Phipps’ conservatee Elinor Frerichs (91) is unlawfully imprisoned and isolated at Lakeside Park, a locked dementia facility.

Phipps and Lakeside Park allow Elinor no visitors and no phone calls. Elinor is denied contact with family, friends, and elder rights advocates. She has no way to retain legal counsel to represent her interests. Elinor is alert, oriented, and despairs of having no one who can engage in intelligent conversation at the “booby hatch.”

Elder rights advocate Diane Wilson (daughter of elder abuse victim Dorothy Wilson) contacted Scott Phipps to ask for visits and phone calls with Elinor. Wilson identified herself as a member of the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse (NASGA). Phipps’ response would indicate that he is in favor of guardian (conservator) abuse.

On September 16, 2014, Wilson wrote:
To: Scott Phipps,
I was appalled when I read the story of Elinor Frerich and the fact that you refused to allow Elinor to attend her own hearing; you also asked the court to take away her rights to visitation from friends and elder advocates. Why would you do such a thing? Why do you want to hurt another human being? Freedom is a God-given right, one that man or woman cannot take away from another human being without breaking every universal law there is.
I decided to do some research and read a little bit about you. According to your website you state the following:
"My goal is to keep you in control of your money; assist you in times of transition and when the time comes, honor the wishes and intent of your will or trust."
"Phisco Fiduciary helps people maintain maximum independence and self-reliance by providing assistance with financial affairs – from day-to-day matters to wills, estates and trusts…and everything in between. We adhere to the highest Fiduciary standards and practices; advocate and protect clients’ civil & legal rights strictly abide the code of ethics of the Professional Fiduciary Bureau, and the Professional Fiduciary Association of California."
I read that you also served as a minister. The job of a minister is to "minister" to the needs of people; to serve God and help people, not to destroy them. You also say that you will advocate and protect your clients’ civil and legal rights. Please, Mr. Phipps, honor the words you speak and set Elinor free.
Diane Wilson
NASGA Member
Daughter of Dorothy Wilson
On September 16, 2014, Wilson wrote:
To: Scott Phipps,
I understand that in order for Elinor Frerich to have visitors and/or have phone calls all requests to do so must go through you? I also understand that Elinor loves to talk and cherishes visitors and going out to eat, something we all take for granted.
I would like to visit Elinor when I am in the area and take her out to lunch. I also would like call her on a weekly basis. Please add me to her list of visitors and callers.
Thank you in advance.
Diane Wilson
NASGA Member
Daughter of Dorothy Wilson
On September 17, 2014 Phipps wrote:
Ms. Wilson:
Due to your association with the NASGA ( as noted in the signature of your email making you a direct associate with Linda Kincaid and I am going to deny your visits and calls to Elinor Frerichs. Linda Kincaid is a known associate of Kennett Taylor and she is denied visitation to Ms. Frerichs.
Scott S.H. Phipps, MDiv, CLPF, NCG
CA Licensed Professional Fiduciary #11
Fiduciary Services: Trustee, Estate Administration, Conservator, Power of Attorney, Bill Pay Assistance/Daily Money Management.
510-508-9588 mobile 510-315-6993 fax
484 Lake Park Avenue #20
Oakland CA 94610 USA
On September 17, 2014, Wilson wrote:
To: Scott Phipps
I am amazed at what you are doing to Elinor Frerichs, a human being with fundamental God-given rights that neither you nor anyone else has the right to take away. However, after being thrust into the horrific, corrupt and abusive world of guardianship with my own mother, I cannot say I am surprised anymore. My mother was killed due to guardianship abuse and of course, for her very small estate.
Sadly, it is all about money; always about money; never about anything else. Some people also enjoy the rush they get from the power of controlling another human being, not unlike the slave owners. I actually do feel sorry for you Mr. Phipps, because you will have to answer to a higher power someday. Of course, you have heard about karma, and it comes around quite quickly in this lifetime.
I do pray that you wake up one day, very soon, and do the right thing by Elinor. She is a sweet innocent woman who has not committed any crimes, just like my mother. I know my Mom is watching over her, along with the other thousands of elder/guardianship abuse victims. Although they are in Spirit form, they are a force to reckon with.
Diane Wilson
NASGA Member
Daughter of Dorothy Wilson
Phipps did not respond to Wilson’s impassioned plea for Phipps to “do the right thing by Elinor.” On October 5, 2014, Wilson followed with another email:
To: Scott Phipps
Re: Elinor Frerich
I wrote to you previously stating that I would like to visit and have weekly calls with Mrs. Elinor Frerich, an innocent elderly woman who has been locked away and isolated from all friends and family and advocates against her will. I am still trying to wrap my head around how you are getting away with such criminal abuse of another human being.
Please reconsider my request. Mrs. Frerich is no less a human being than you are; she has the same God-given rights we were all born with.
Diane Wilson
NASGA Member
Daughter of Dorothy Wilson
To date, Phipps has denied all requests for visits or phone calls with Elinor. Phipps denied a visit request from this Examiner because we interviewed Elinor’s husband. Phipps then denied requests from individuals who had contact with this Examiner, alleging those individuals were somehow tainted by our association. Phipps then denied requests from individuals who might have contact with or with NASGA. His reasons for denial grow increasingly bizarre.

Readers may contact Scott Phipps directly to request a visit or a phone call with Elinor.

Full Article & Source:
Elder abuse by Scott Phipps: Victim denied contact with advocate Diane Wilson


  1. How many other victims does he have?

  2. The nightmare never ends, giving these poor souls a Death that predates Physical Death and the nightmare never really ends even after death it's self...!!

  3. He certainly should be investigated for elder abuse and all of his cases reviewed for the same.
