Saturday, November 22, 2014

Documentary coming soon: The Economis Rape of America's Secret Wealth Exchanges

This preview of the documentary "The Economic Rape of America: Exposing America's Secret Wealth Exchanges" reveals the economic impact of destruction to America's families and economy as a result of probate courts and frivolous litigation. The wealth exchanges in probate courts are greater than the wealth exchanges on Wall Street. Additionally, $1.5 billion dollars a year goes for attorney fees at the expense of America's families. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, America's litigation addiction costs our economy $264 billion dollars per year making America unable to compete globally.

This documentary is a must see for all Americans. America must demand probate reform so that the pillaging of estates by lawyers and non beneficiaries ends. America must wake up and demand better watch dogging of the judicial system which allows for an unfettered abuse of power.

Produced and Directed by Athena Roe, J.D. of in collaboration with Shaun T. Lally of Still Focus Media.

HAR Justice presents, The Economic Rape of America's Secret Wealth Exchanges


  1. I'm glad to see this and look forward to the release.

  2. That will be a Documentary well worth watching and goes to the very heart of the problem, a Sociopath Controlled and Corrupted System that is Geared Up to Financially Rape American and dare I say Financially Rape the World ... !!!

    No matter where you go, it would appears that it is the very same type of people, working a system that geared up and drive by Fees and Profit, no matter what the Human Cost is and that is what I call Capitalism Gone Insane and its Moral Bankruptcy ..!!
