Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014 Year-End Reflection #2: Joe Roubicek's New Booklet on Guardianship Abuse

So often when victims tell their story, they are not believed either in part or completely.

Guardianship abuse is a reality that is often seemingly so outrageous, it could not happen in America, the land of the free and home of the brave.  Those who have not heard of guardianship abuse or have not experienced it directly, often have a hard time understanding or wrapping their minds around it.

Joe Roubicek gave advocates a valuable awareness tool this year:  "Guardian Angels, inc.:  The Vile Business of Corrupt Guardianship" - a forty page expose' of present-day corruption within the guardianship industry, that focuses on isolation, medication and disposing of the elderly for their estates.

The booklet is a concise, thought-provoking piece authored by a seasoned investigator of financial exploitation of the elderly crimes.

NASGA suggests all advocates have one of Joe's books on hand, especially  when they are speaking to media or their local elected representatives about their case or our cause.

Thanks, Joe!
Available through Amazon


  1. I bought a copy and it's exactly what you say. If people don't believe me, I show them the book which is written by a cop. They believe a cop.

  2. Thank you for the reminder, NASGA. And thank you for the book, Joe! I think it's great and so are you!

  3. Great job! Joe Roubicek. Thank you!

    When you speak people listen. Joe is committed and dedicated, he is making a difference.

    Very well written with anticipation for a series of booklets explaining and exposing the failures of the system, many times misusing the courts for unjust enrichment.

  4. I bought it and highly recommend it too. Every advocate should have at least one on hand!

  5. Thank you NASGA and all of you for your comments and support. I think this booklet will have a long shelf life. Happy New Year!
