Thursday, March 26, 2015

5 Estate Planning Documents Every Young Professional Should Have

After graduating from college, and even law school, the thought of drafting your estate plan probably did not make the top twenty on your "to-do" list, and why should it? The only thing most young professionals have when they first start out is debt. However, after you land your first job, preparing your estate plan needs to move quickly to the top of that elusive "to do" list. It's especially important if you are starting a family. Below are five documents that should be part of your estate plan.

1. Durable Financial Power of Attorney.
2. Health Care Power of Attorney.
3. Last Will and Testament.
4. Beneficiary Designation.
5. Beneficiary Deed.

After the necessary documents are executed, be certain that one set of originals is placed in a safe or safe deposit box in your bank and let your family know that the documents are there. It is wise to re visit these documents when a major life event occurs, such as a wedding, a birth or even a death, to ensure no changes to your documents should be made. If no major life events occur, it is always a good idea to contact your estate planning attorney every five years to ensure there have been no substantive changes in the laws that may affect your documents. The above information is based on the laws of the State of Arizona.

Full Article and Source:
5 Estate Planning Documents Every Young Professional Should Have >

1 comment:

  1. Young people get into accidents all the time and many are left with severe disabilities. The earlier one takes care of these documents, the better it is.
