Thursday, March 12, 2015

Disabled Nevada Victim Takes a Stand on Guardianship Abuse

When Contact 13 started asking questions, the court started admitting errors, like accepting court filings after the court had lost jurisdiction, which they call "unfortunate."

As for treating Jason as an "adult ward" they say they don't know whether that was a clerical error or misunderstanding by the attorneys or an intention to mislead the court.

In Jason's case, no one caught it for seven years until Contact 13 got involved and the case was suddenly closed.

While it was open, private guardian and former Clark County Public Administrator Jared Shafer was appointed Trustee from July 2009 through January 2014. A special needs trust was created so Jason could qualify for social security benefits. "

I never asked for Jared Shafer to be appointed," said Jason. "He was court-appointed."

Shafer is currently the subject of a federal lawsuit accusing him of embezzlement, fraud, racketeering and negligence in another case where he was the guardian. Valley Man Wrestles With Guardianship System


  1. Great interview. Thank you for speaking up Jason.

  2. Hang your heads in shame, Jared Shafer and judge Hoskin.

  3. Tap dancing, evasive incomplete answers when Contact 13 came knocking

    "....When Contact 13 started asking questions, the court started admitting errors, like accepting court filings after the court had lost jurisdiction, which they call "unfortunate."

    Look what it takes to get a response. Applause and Standing Ovation to the reporters for getting involved and doing something to begin to right the wrongs.

    There is no remedy or recourse for the wronged this must change immunity is their walls of protection.

    SHAFER SHAFER SHAFER when will he be gone? When will JARED SHAFER be hauled in by the feds?

    I am waiting impatiently for the time when Jared Shafer will be wearing federal prison wardrobe with handcuffs and leg irons.

  4. what a crock of **** from the court obviously protecting the crook and liar jared shafer open your eyes citizens of america do nothing say nothing you are enabling this cartel of crooks any volunteers to be a ward of jared shafer if so please sign in i'm sure nasga will post all who sign up

  5. Boy do I agree with you, Sue.

  6. Good interview! And I hope the heat stays on Jared Shafer!

  7. I bet Jared Shafer and Patience Bristol never expected to see their victim, Jason Hanson, interviewed on the News. The underestimated him and that was a mistake.

  8. Looking for a millionarire-billionaire to escrow $$$ so we can sue these countless lawless punk arrogant brats hiding behind government brick fortresses and government titles. Time to drag (those who act as) cockroaches out into the light. Time to declare war on these animals of the lowest ebb of the cesspool of human life. No one gets to make laws and then enforce them without oversight. Wealthy rich, you might just lose all you have to guardianship, spread some around before it's too late. Chasing fraud guardians who can hide behind the (correspondingly applicable) fraud court is not productive.

  9. UNFORTUNATE? You have got to be kidding me!
