Monday, March 23, 2015

Legal help exists for exploited seniors

Kudos to The Dispatch for shining a light on elder abuse and emphasizing the critical need for funding for Adult Protective Services and other organizations mentioned that combat abuse of seniors in all its ugly and unacceptable forms (“Elder Abuse” series, Dispatch, last Sunday and Monday).

Pro Seniors is another resource for Ohio seniors. Pro Seniors is a statewide nonprofit legal-aid organization that helps seniors resolve their legal problems.

Many of Pro Seniors’ vulnerable clients are facing the challenge of financial exploitation, which has been termed “the crime of the 21st century” and is escalating rapidly as the senior population increases.

If financial exploitation is not addressed, it can devastate the financial security, physical health and mental well-being of the senior victim.

Pro Seniors has recently received funding from the attorney general’s office and several private foundations to address financial exploitation.

Ohio seniors who may be victims of financial exploitation and other forms of elder abuse are encouraged to call Pro Seniors’ Legal Hotline at 800-488-6070. Our attorneys can provide legal advice and, in some cases, representation to remedy the exploitation, as well as suggestions about reaching out to other resources that can help.

Executive director
Pro Seniors

Full Article & Source:
Legal help exists for exploited seniors

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